Recent content by chickengoesmeow

  1. C

    Deworming with Zimerecterin gold, questions

    Here's the thread I saw people talking about the withdrawl details:
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    Deworming with Zimerecterin gold, questions

    I had a hen die last week, and the necropsy results revealed she had an abundant tapeworm infestation. No worms or eggs were noted in the gross pathology, but there were 50+ eggs reported in the fecal float. I have never seen any worm segments or eggs in their poop (I have been checking every...
  3. C

    Rooster bullying - what to do?

    That makes a lot of sense. I have a two part run, so I'll try putting the legbar and the hens in one half and the mix in the other. I really don't want to rehome either so it's great to hear that that worked for you.
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    Rooster bullying - what to do?

    I have three roosters, a 4 year old EE, a 3 year old legbar, and a 9 month old EE/legbar mix. The EE and the legbar lived together in peace for 3 years with no issues. The legbar can be aggressive at times, but once he faces retaliation he chickens out so the EE never felt threatened. This...
  5. C

    Should open wounds be kept moist or dry?

    I know it's been two weeks (forgot I posted this lol) but I wanted to update that the hen has healed a lot better with me wrapping it. I wrapped it twice a day up until Wednesday, and only stopped because it had scabbed over and it wasn't stayed wrapped anymore. Its healing a lot faster than...
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    Should open wounds be kept moist or dry?

    (Reposting from reddit because the people on reddit are not helpful) I had a hen get the back of her necked ripped off yesterday, about 2" long and an inch wide. Sounds severe, but this is the fourth time I've dealth with this. I have absolutely no idea why they feel the need to scalp each...
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    coccid questions

    It's normal. If it was really excessive that might be an issue but the pics don't look excessive. I wouldn't stress too much.
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    coccid questions

    That doesn't really look like coccidosis to me. Coccidosis stools are VERY bloodly, that just looks like shed intestinal lining. There is no harm in dosing them with corid but I wouldn't be too stressed about coccidosis. If you do treat them, treat the whole flock. No reason to just treat a few...
  9. C

    Chick born with unabsorbed yolk - Cause?

    That makes sense. I've got no idea who laid the egg, but hopefully whichever hen is having issues can fix herself before the next hatch. The chick was way stronger than I would expect in this situation. It acted like every other chick that hatched, and if anything it was more active than the...
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    Chick born with unabsorbed yolk - Cause?

    I had a chick hatch yesterday with the most severe cause of an unabsorbed yolk I have ever seen. Calling it an unabsorbed yolk is almost downplaying it. Along with the yolk, there was a good chunk of intestines hanging out. I ended up euthanizing the chick shortly after it hatched. To be honest...
  11. C

    8 week Legbar EE cross showing barring and lacing simultaneously?

    I have an 8 week old cross between an EE hen and a white legbar roo. The EE hen I suspect to be her mom has faint lacing on her back but besides that doesn’t have much patterning. When she was a chick she had very defined chipmunk patterning with a spot on the head. She was a very slow featherer...
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    I could probably register myself (I'm in highschool), thank you for the idea! I'm already in contact with people in 4h and have thought about joining, I'll look into it!
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    Does anyone know if zoning regulations will prevent flocks from being registered? I live in Howard County and there is a limit to 8 hens and no roosters for all flocks, no matter the area. It's a stupid rule, nobody follows it and it isn't enforced, but would that make it harder to register my...
  14. C

    Our Neighbor loves the fox, but it's killing our Guineas!

    I would set out a live trap and tell your neighbors about it. Tell them they can either let you call animal control or you will trap and shoot it. They don't own the fox so they can't do anything about it if you trap it on your property. Trapping and shooting might be the more humane option, you...
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