Recent content by ChickenmamaAZ

  1. C

    Lethargic hen after ivermectin + worm + thin egg shell.

    I was able to get her to drink some water by putting her beak in it. She will not eat, she won’t stand. She’s just laying there puffed up. I’ve never heard of Valbzen, and not seeing I can get it quick. Is it better than Safeguard? I was going to get Safeguard for Goats, I can have that here...
  2. C

    Lethargic hen after ivermectin + worm + thin egg shell.

    Is there anything I can do for my hen? She won’t even walk or get up after the soak.
  3. C

    Lethargic hen after ivermectin + worm + thin egg shell.

    Here is the worm and a pic of poop that came out of her bath water
  4. C

    Lethargic hen after ivermectin + worm + thin egg shell.

    Help please, and I’m totally grossed out on top of my hen being sick Ugg, here is the background: My entire flock is 8 months old. All new flock raised from chicks except one very old hen. Noticed some of my hens combs having dark spots on them and a couple chickens with poopy butts. (My...
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