Recent content by Chickens4Life101

  1. Chickens4Life101

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    I don't have any photos, but we use a shower😂 We cover the drain with cardboard and build cardboard walls, then fill it with shavings and put in our heat lamp, feeder, and waterer
  2. Chickens4Life101

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    😜I don't think so.
  3. Chickens4Life101

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    Nah its still me😆
  4. Chickens4Life101


    It depends on your hen. Sometimes your hen will accept the babies and sometimes they won't. We had a hen that only hatched one baby, so we tried to add more, but she did not want them and was perfectly fine with the one she had. I think you could try putting the chicks in with your hen, and if...
  5. Chickens4Life101

    Your opinion Best Backyard chicken breeds? free range, friendly, docile, good egg layers and color

    Some of my favorite breeds are: Buff Orpingtons (Brown eggs and extremely sweet) Silkies (Very sweet, funny-looking, and cream-colored eggs) Golden Laced Wyandotte (Brown eggs, adventurous, and sweet) Cream Legbar (Blue eggs, chatty, adventurous) Easter Egger (Very sweet and adventurous. Can...
  6. Chickens4Life101

    Hello from Kansas!

    Hello fellow Kansas member! Your flock appears to have some great breeds! :welcome
  7. Chickens4Life101

    Name that pulley

    Hmmm.... Cream legbars?
  8. Chickens4Life101

    Name that pulley

    Lavender Orpington??
  9. Chickens4Life101

    Name that pulley

  10. Chickens4Life101

    Breed and gender

    The first are definitely female red sex links. We have a few around the same age as yours and the look the exact same;). The 4th one looks like a male speckled Sussex. I do not know what the last one is... we have never had any breeds that have looked like that before.
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