Recent content by ChickenTenderz

  1. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    Since we've been getting so much rain, the run has stayed wet. They started with grass which we all know quickly turned to dirt. We've been putting leaves in the run in the fall and wood shavings from in the coop when I clean it out but lately we put grass clippings in there. They stay wet and...
  2. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    I've seen vent fleet on someone else's chickens. But this isn't that, their vents aren't red, it's their bellies. It has rained alot in the past week so it's hard to find a dry place for dirt bathing. I think it is related to all the moisture they can't get away from except for their nice dry...
  3. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    I did catch all the other girls, checked their fluffybutts and cleaned them up where necessary. Two of them had poop caked on their feathers but it came off and I put some hydrocortisone cream where the skin was a little red and irritated. No open wounds for anyone else.
  4. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    When I looked at her belly it was crawling with maggots. I don't think we could've done anything to save her. She hid it from us too long. It was the humane thing to do. 😭 She was a good hen, she always followed me around the yard "talking", a very sweet girl.
  5. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    Just caught her to get a better look. This is her backside. A big open place below the vent. Edit: I just found maggots in her wound. I think she is going to have to be put down.
  6. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    I haven't found any more lash eggs but there was one with a paper thin shell this morning. I have noticed one of our girls, the one that has egg gland issues has been a little stand-offish this past week. She is either slow to join the others for treats (scrambled egg yolks) or doesn't bother to...
  7. ChickenTenderz

    Found in the nesting box, what is it?

    When I went to collect eggs today, I found these weird pink fleshy looking things in the nesting box too. I have three Black Australorps (1 year old) that seem to be laying consistently and four Rhode Island Reds (2 years old) but I think only two of them are laying right now. Any ideas to what...
  8. ChickenTenderz

    Who's laying

    Update: We tried the food coloring in the chicken vents Saturday morning before they laid. The only thing that accomplished is we now have rainbow chicken poop 🌈💩 all over their run and colorful chicken feet where they stepped in it. 🤭 We got 4 eggs Saturday & 5 on Sunday. I saw Penny, Dinner &...
  9. ChickenTenderz

    How to dye vents to determine who lays what?

    We use the colored zip ties on our hens. I can tell them apart but it is much easier to just see what color their band is. We have 7 hens- 4 RIR & 3 BA We are planning to do the food coloring thing to see who is laying what this weekend. Any tips on what works best? Planning to use the same...
  10. ChickenTenderz

    Who's laying

    We're fairly new to this, what are the typical ages? We have one I'm pretty sure has an egg gland problem, when she lays its a softshell egg that gets crushed and makes a huge mess. We give them free choice options of crushed egg shells & oyster shell. I have caught her and given her calcium...
  11. ChickenTenderz

    Who's laying

    It is time to introduce our newest girls to the flock and sadly, that means we need to identify & remove our non layers. Sad but their purpose is to provide eggs or meat. We have 4 RIR that are turning 2 this spring and 3 BA that will be 1 yr this spring. We have been getting 4-5 eggs a day...I...
  12. ChickenTenderz

    Raw Chicken Butt

    One of our girls has had an issue with poop collecting on her fluffy butt feathers, getting heavy & ripping out the feathers. It's been a while and I thought her feathers would have grown back by now. I noticed she had a red baboon butt so I took a closer look tonight and she had a huge...
  13. ChickenTenderz

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5 from 7! (4 RIR & 3 BA)
  14. ChickenTenderz

    Newest chicks

    So here we have our girls starting to get some feathers. My son thinks they look like awkward teenagers now.
  15. ChickenTenderz

    Newest chicks

    So far these girls love hanging out with the kids each evening before bedtime.
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