Recent content by CinnamonQueen

  1. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Nambroth, I am so sorry to hear about Kua. She had a great life and didn't suffer too much from her tumor... Sending prayers your way. I haven't really been on BYC at all, much less Derp...ever since my hens got rehomed I just didn't really need to be on BYC as much... I loved reading all of...
  2. CinnamonQueen

    Pecking order conflict. Hen seriously injured!!! Please help!!

    It's gotten worse now. Honey must have flown over the fence, because we found her this morning in the neighbors yard and the dog must have gotten to her. Cinnamon went missing a few hours later and we found her hiding under a bush with a big peck wound on the back of her head. I don't know how...
  3. CinnamonQueen

    Pecking order conflict. Hen seriously injured!!! Please help!!

    I was away from the house for 3 days this week. When I got back I was told that Ninja (Black sexlink) and Elphaba (Australorp) were attacking one of our two RIR's (named Cinnamon and Honey). I went out to investigate and found Cinnamon with multiple scabs on her comb and a bald spot on her head...
  4. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    I agree that this mystery illness is pretty strange... but I'm glad that Baron isn't in pain! Still praying for y'all! (P.S. Love your profile pic Nambroth!! Baron is a beautiful bird!)
  5. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Oh no... not Puddles... I can't believe that after all of your diligence that Marek's shows its ugly face again in one of the sweetest roosters you've had... sending good thoughts your way.
  6. CinnamonQueen

    Zero Egg production.

    Thanks- my Leghorn's comb has been paler and shriveled lately. Thinking it was just dry air, I put some vaseline on her comb but didn't see any improvement. This clears things up. :)
  7. CinnamonQueen

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Rooster: (to self) Okay, puff out your chest just a little and spread your wing dramatically… (to hens) Ladies! Hens: (to each other) uhh… What's he doing with his chest?
  8. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Yay! A Derpdate! Fud Lady, don't worry about your coop. Mine is probably much, much worse. I agree with CN- Chickadee looks very round
  9. CinnamonQueen

    Zero Egg production.

    All 5 of my hens have not laid an egg for 2-3 months now. My 3 older hens look like they are finished or in the last stages of their molt. I'm not sure if one of the 2 younger pullets ever started laying before winter started. They all look healthy and get clean food/water. We redid their coop...
  10. CinnamonQueen

    What is this chicken thinking?

    You dare approach us without mealworms?
  11. CinnamonQueen

    What is this chicken thinking?

    I'm gonna have a blue Christmas….
  12. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    And Derpmas, aderpted, and My Little Derpy.. All together makes: the DERPTIONARY.
  13. CinnamonQueen

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Left lion: ARGG… stupid computer won't work!!! Right: I hate technology!
  14. CinnamonQueen

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Chicken Christmas ornament… hey… :)
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