Recent content by DiamondSwan

  1. DiamondSwan

    Broken Duck Leg Around Ankle Joint Area

    The most serious threat to that nasty wound is infection… she’ll start to feel especially hot around the leg. Definitely clean it really good with and antiseptic and keep it wrapped to keep out dirt and bacteria, but it may not be enough without an antibiotic…
  2. DiamondSwan

    Broken Duck Leg Around Ankle Joint Area

    Yikes, that does look nasty. Yeah the splint works really good to stabilize the leg. Might need to wrap it tighter for a skinnier leg I’d assume. Just make sure there’s no bones protruding from that break.
  3. DiamondSwan

    Broken Duck Leg Around Ankle Joint Area

    I’m not really sure how he broke it… Oh that’s his little back toe lol 😂
  4. DiamondSwan

    Broken Duck Leg Around Ankle Joint Area

    So this is the contraption I came up with using a $1 mini pool noodle. It works great to stabilize the leg, and it’s soft so it won’t hurt him. Just wrapped it with some cling-wrap.
  5. DiamondSwan

    Vacation setup for 27 animals

    Yes, it worked pretty good. The only thing I would change is build up the feeder a little bit so that they can’t kick bedding into it as easily and get it wet. I would probably put more openings for the food to come out because it can get clogged by some wet, nasty ducks. LOL.
  6. DiamondSwan

    Broken Duck Leg Around Ankle Joint Area

    I have a duck who has a broken ankle joint and can’t walk on it at all. When I gently feel around I can hear the bones crackling. Any advice on how to splint it?
  7. DiamondSwan

    Male or Female Brown Chinese Goose?

    Also he’s smaller than suspected, chunky female, which has a more prominent breast
  8. DiamondSwan

    Male or Female Brown Chinese Goose?

    No guesses pretty please, need an experienced goose owner to help a gal out. I actually have two Brown Chinese Geese but this is the one that sits in my lap and lets me take all kinds of pictures. 😝🤣 They should be two years old now, and no eggs that I’ve seen, and this one in the picture has...
  9. DiamondSwan

    ◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

    Yus, I brought the pond up from the depths
  10. DiamondSwan

    ◇DiamondSwan's Phenomenal Chat Thread!◇

    Anyone still at the pond? 😝
  11. DiamondSwan

    It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on BYC, but I’ll never forget all the friends I made...

    It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on BYC, but I’ll never forget all the friends I made, the laughs I’ve had, and all the people that have been so kind and helped me with my flock. Love y’all. 💕💕💕
  12. DiamondSwan

    Hey!! 👋 I’ve been great, you? I’m just currently overrun by a million new chickens, ducks and...

    Hey!! 👋 I’ve been great, you? I’m just currently overrun by a million new chickens, ducks and geese that I’ve picked up from work. 😆 And thank you. 💕
  13. DiamondSwan

    “I'm gonna let the hawk go. He wants out, he's strong, and he wants to be free. And boy, can he...

    “I'm gonna let the hawk go. He wants out, he's strong, and he wants to be free. And boy, can he can fly.”
  14. DiamondSwan

    Best Microscope for Viewing Fecal Samples at Home?

    That’s exactly what I plan on doing! ;) Really appreciate the help. 😊
  15. DiamondSwan

    Best Microscope for Viewing Fecal Samples at Home?

    Awesome articles!! 👏 Your knowledge is very much appreciated. I gave you a good review. 😁
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