Recent content by Dinogrrl

  1. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Both, lucky me! I made it four and a half years before getting it, at least? If I can drag myself outside I do need to go pick some of my wild blackberries. Right now I'm sitting with a constant low-grade fever and my joints hurt too much to do a lot of moving around. At least I have my indoor...
  2. Dinogrrl

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    My chickens had no idea what to do with corn. I fed them corn-free food because I'm allergic to corn, and one time a single kernel accidentally made it into their feed. I dumped it on the ground and all three hens came over and stared at it for a while, then ignored it. Never did come back to...
  3. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I have done...absolutely nothing outside for like two weeks now. My dad mowed my front lawn for me while I was on vacation last week, and kinda mostly took out my baby Persian shield and almost took out some of my hostas (in his defense, I didn't warn him about any of those plants being in weird...
  4. Dinogrrl

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Happy birthday Flower! Here's to many more! :)
  5. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    lol if only! I found the first ripened wild blackberry on my bush today! Definitely tart but really not bad. It'll be good mixed in with other berries for baking and such.
  6. Dinogrrl

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Slowly but surely my rat snake Ziggy seems to be calming down. Having to take things very slowly with her. Last night I just sat with my hand in her tank for like 15 minutes, touched her lightly as she would crawl by, etc. She is getting SO BIG holy cow. I'm used to noodly corn snakes, it's...
  7. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Still trying to rescue one of the crepe myrtles in the back yard from the honeysuckle. Had to take a break yesterday to cut down a mimosa that had come up from out of nowhere and was flowering. NO. Bad mimosa! (They are non-native and very invasive in my area. A previous neighbor had a HUGE one...
  8. Dinogrrl

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Aaaaw piggies :) I adopted a pair of males a few years ago, unfortunately even though they came to me as a pair they did not want to share space in my house so I had them in separate cages. And then I developed an allergy to guinea pigs :/ had to pass them along to someone I knew who rescued and...
  9. Dinogrrl

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Either that or the journalist knew EXACTLY what they were writing and has a dark sense of humor...
  10. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yup, luckily I had some on hand so I didn't have to make a quick run to the store. So far two of the cuttings are looking pretty decent, but it's only been a few days.
  11. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I procured for myself some wild muscadine vine cuttings, hoping they'll take root for me!
  12. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well I was bamboozled, what I thought were wild grapes of some variety are actually porcelainberry :(. Very disappointed. They're all entangled in my red mulberries so it's going to be fun getting rid of them without hurting the trees.
  13. Dinogrrl

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Didn't do anything for my 'garden' today. Just cleaned out my gutters and disrupted an ant nest in the process (it's...been a while since i last cleaned the gutters...). Fun. Checked on the fruit trees, I'm a bit worried about the peaches. There's two left, the rest were duds, but one has one...
  14. Dinogrrl

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    And orchestra kids are too nerdy to be overly loud and social during long trips :p usually.
  15. Dinogrrl

    Any Gamers Here?

    Most of my gaming is Pokemon Go these days. Easy enough to doodle around on during my lunch hour. Also it forces me to do a daily walk for my own darn health.
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