Recent content by Eggcessive

  1. Eggcessive

    Mites treatment

    You were given advice in your other previous thread to give human B complex, not B12. BComplex tablets have all B vitamins in addition to B12. But B complex has riboflavin, which is very important in leg health. Your hen may well have Mareks. To have been like this so long, I think she may be...
  2. Eggcessive

    Idk what to do

    Those large gray things attached to her feathers look like giant groups of lice eggs. Or is that poop? Here is an article about lice with pictures of lice eggs:
  3. Eggcessive

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I don’t usually drain my hens who have had it, but you can insert an 18 gauge needle just into the abdomen, and if there is yellow to amber fluid, that is water belly. Scroll down to the pictures in post 42 of this thread below to see a hen with water belly/ascites being drained...
  4. Eggcessive

    Limping Hen No Signs of Injuries

    Can you stand so that you could get a picture of her legs side by side. The ankle is above the foot and the hock is the next joint. Does she have any swelling above the foot?
  5. Eggcessive

    Chicken with labored, crackly breathing, doesn't seem serious yet, but one died of the same thing last year

    Is there any swelling of the eyelid or face, or any bubbles/foam in one eye? Any crusty drainage, sneezing, or gasping? Is she wheezing or having stridor? How is her comb color? Do you have a video that can be uploaded to YouTube or a picture?
  6. Eggcessive

    Idk what to do

    Are those lice eggs on her chest as well? Do you see moving lice on her body and under her vent? Lice are treated with permethrin garden dust or spray at 10 day intervals until gone. Are there lice on the others? That looks like her lower belly under the vent and is very enlarged. It could be...
  7. Eggcessive

    HELP sick hen

    Could you give her a human calcium citrate tablet or Tums orally in case she could be lame from a stuck egg? I would give her some human vitamin B complex and a little vitamin E 400 IU daily as well which might help for a neurological problem or deficiency. A chicken sling chair with food and...
  8. Eggcessive

    Chicken found dead with a single puncture to the chest.

    Sorry for your loss. Can you look for any marks on the opposite side where a cat might have punctured the side with a fang? I would start a new thread of your own so that more would see it and answer you. This thread is 4 years old and many won’t look at it.
  9. Eggcessive

    Chicken with paralysis, head tremors, but otherwise sharp and alert

    How old is she? There can be a temporary paralysis with a stuck egg sometimes. But I would give some calcium citrate with vitamin d tablet 300-600 mg orally into her beak in case she is still blocked. Was she vaccinated for Mareks as a chick? Can she move her legs and feet at all if you stand...
  10. Eggcessive

    What more can I do?

    I meant to drench the sickest birds who are showing symptoms, or just the young ones.
  11. Eggcessive

    HELP sick hen

    Sorry about your 4 year old hen. Will she take some sips of water held up to her beak? I would place her in some bedding or on rolled towels in a normal position. Hold water up to her beak to drink from a small can or cup. Make some watery chicken feed mash and offer that with a bit of egg. Has...
  12. Eggcessive

    Help! I’m not sure what to do

    Not wanting to pile on about the Roostys dewormer, but it says it is a natural product. They don’t include the ingredients on their website, which is always a giveaway that it may not be effective. Most natural dewormers are herbs or spices, and they have no testing to back them up. Get...
  13. Eggcessive

    String Around Leg

    Some people also use leg bands on baby chicks to tell them apart, and many times they become embedded as the chick grows. Hairs are the worst things, since we sometimes can’t see them. Let us know how the chick gets along.
  14. Eggcessive

    Rough, Calloused Skin by Ear

    That could be a fungal infection. Have you checked the area and the rest of her body for lice or mites on the skin, or their eggs? I would clean the area with Betadine or povidone iodine which you can find at Walmart in the first aid aisle. Then use some miconazole or clotrimazole fungal cream...
  15. Eggcessive

    Help! I’m not sure what to do

    You can run your hand down her crop and feel it to make sure that it is empty. Practice on other chickens who will let you handle them. Crops start out empty first thing in the morning, and gradually fill up by late afternoon or evening. If they still have food in them in the morning, and...
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