Recent content by EmmaDonovan

  1. EmmaDonovan

    Chicks refuse to eat crumbles

    Chicks are 5 & 8 weeks. They've been eating an organic mash, plus the occasional wet treat which is oats, collard greens, blueberries, and molasses mixed together, and some dandelions and seedy grass from the yard. They love all of this. All are healthy and growing fast. They've never refused...
  2. EmmaDonovan

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    A van-truck? Varuck?
  3. EmmaDonovan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Disney elevated hand-drawn animation to a true art form. I've seen one of the original prints of Sleeping Beauty (1959). It is extraordinary. They created a 3D effect in 2D animation by aiming a camera down through multiple layers of painted glass. They pioneered so much. I'm just going to say...
  4. EmmaDonovan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    That's stop-motion animation. It's a series of individually photographed frames of posable figurines (sort of like action figures) that are physically changed in small increments so it appears they are moving when the frames are played back. There were several popular stop-motion animation...
  5. EmmaDonovan

    What's the temperature where you are???

    3:20 PM. It's 93F outside, 89F in the brooder and 88F in the house. 😐
  6. EmmaDonovan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Anyone else wear these Ficcares in the nineties? I think Jennifer Aniston popularized them on Friends. They were perfect for French twists. It was the fastest and easiest way to put my hair up for work.
  7. EmmaDonovan

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    When I was little I asked my mom once if the president was the richest man in the country. She burst out laughing. 😄
  8. EmmaDonovan

    Arizona Chickens

    It was 91F inside the brooder at the hottest point today. Some of the chickens were panting earlier but everyone is very active and alert (go stand on the ice, you silly creatures)! Everyone seems happy, no one is cranky and pecking at others. Only a few still have tiny bits of chick fluff...
  9. EmmaDonovan

    Has anyone recently converted a greenhouse to use as a coop?

    Yes. Chickens can live anywhere you put them. It's the structure itself that is the issue, not what's inside it. The structure has to be approved as historically "matching" the era and design of the homes. Greenhouses haven't changed since the 1950s so there isn't much about them to "match."...
  10. EmmaDonovan

    What's the temperature where you are???

    10:30 AM 88F 7% humidity sunny High will be 96F. Our swamp cooler just died. :barnie
  11. EmmaDonovan

    Has anyone recently converted a greenhouse to use as a coop?

    The desert sucks up water so we don't have mud for long. We've thought about water issues since we get big downpours. The coop is going in a higher part of the yard that drains well. The back portion of the greenhouses will be covered on the top and sides. The back wall is wood. Food and water...
  12. EmmaDonovan

    Has anyone recently converted a greenhouse to use as a coop?

    That's a good point. I'd prefer a rounded top instead of a peaked one like in my Sketchup drawing.
  13. EmmaDonovan

    Has anyone recently converted a greenhouse to use as a coop?

    Good question. Greenhouses don't have the strict requirements of other structures so we're looking at two connected greenhouses of 80-100 sq ft each, instead of a single 200 sq ft chicken coop. Thanks for the link!
  14. EmmaDonovan

    4 Bear cubs playing in our yard (Wisconsin)

    My guess is momma was nearby even though you didn't see her. Black bears remain with their mothers for 16 months. They have a home range of 15 to 77 square miles (males have a larger range than females). They never forget where they've found food, so if one (or more) has gotten food from your...
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