Recent content by Flock In Texas

  1. Flock In Texas

    Heating pad

    I don't have any pictures and I sold all of my chicken stuff in the divorce, but I used a 5 gallon bucket. I cut an opening in the side and drilled holes all around the top of the upside down bucket. I used paracord to make a net to support the heating pad in the ceiling of the bucket. I put...
  2. Flock In Texas

    Stationary coop or Tractor

    My tractor had undersized wheels and became very hard to move as it became heavier. I built a minimum security run that was also mobile and mated to the tractor for when predators were around. I wouldn't build a tractor bigger than 4x6 u less it's built on a trailer and can be moved wia truck...
  3. Flock In Texas

    Hanging Coopdominium

    They can jump up 4 feet, but they will hit a locked door and all vents will be hardware cloth. I will have metal roof overhangs around the outside so predators can't hang on I'm thinking about electrifying an insulated outer layer of chicken wire and setting up a security camera just for fun...
  4. Flock In Texas

    Hanging Coopdominium

    I wouldn't think about it if I didn't have my tractor.
  5. Flock In Texas

    Hanging Coopdominium

    I sold my coop and chickens when I sold my house during the divorce. I will be starting over with about 6 hens and a rooster. I have just bought 6 1/2 acres of land in East TX and am getting ready to build a barndominium. I have many trees on my property and I want to put my coop under the...
  6. Flock In Texas

    2 unusual winter questions

    Don't seal your coop, even when it gets cold. Moisture can develop and you could have frost bite problems. For the winter, I put plexiglass over the hardware cloth door to stop drafts, but leave the 3" gap all around the roof line. Also for the winter, I replace the LED bulb with a regular...
  7. Flock In Texas

    Adding to mixed flock- mixing it up even more

    I've read through the thread and learned some good stuff. Here is my situation. I have 9 hens of various breeds. They free range my 1/2 acre fenced back yard. My SIL's husband died and she is scaling down their ranch and she asked if I wanted her chickens. I don't know what kind of chickens...
  8. Flock In Texas

    Heat lamp and Normal Lighting during winter months

    I don’t need to heat my coop, but I run a light inside the coop until 9 pm through the Winter. They slowed production a little, but never stopped.
  9. Flock In Texas

    How many eggs did you get today?

    9 for 9 for the first time yesterday.
  10. Flock In Texas

    Show off your diy coop!

    I highly advise against it.
  11. Flock In Texas

    First Egg Stories?

    One of my chicken nuggets laid her first 3 eggs last week. Another young one laid an egg without a shell. Those are creepy feeling.
  12. Flock In Texas

    Show off your diy coop!

    That’s my son’s chicken crazy dog. She lives in Kansas. I think she’s part whippet.
  13. Flock In Texas


  14. Flock In Texas

    Space under coop

    The space under the coop is shade and makes it harder for critters to get into the coop. It could be harder to clean, so you may want to put in access doors to help, unless you plan on being able to still go inside the coop.
  15. Flock In Texas

    5 year old Barred Rock laying almost every day!

    I wish predators hadn't gotten to my blue egg layers. I had brown, green, and blue for about a month.
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