Recent content by ForFlocksSake

  1. ForFlocksSake

    Do heat lamps cause more issues with Pasty Butt than Brooder Plates?

    This is simply an observation based on my 3 experiences brooding chicks. -My first brood was from Tractor Supply. They were all about a week old when I got them so they spent their first week in the big metal bins under infrared heat lamps. When I got them home I put them in my garage where...
  2. ForFlocksSake

    What's you plan for 2024 chicks!

    My new babies arrived today! Just like the last batch I got from MPC, healthy and happy. I was one chick short and they explained it does happen where one jumps out without anyone noticing, but the customer service agent at MPC was so helpful and identified the missing baby for me. Thankfully...
  3. ForFlocksSake

    Pullets eating maggots from fly trap bag. Is this ok?

    I did! Searched through old emails and found their reply: "Thank you for taking the time to write to us. Our Fly Traps do not use any killing agents or poisons. They rely on luring flies with food and feed-grade ingredients, then trapping the flies until they expire on their own. While we...
  4. ForFlocksSake

    Brooding outdoors for the first time

    Thanks! I’m pretty sure it was exchanges with you back in November that convinced me to do my next brood outside 😊
  5. ForFlocksSake

    How will I know when my hen will lay?

    Her waddles and comb will get bright red. Squatting is a major sign as well. If you place your hand on her back from behind and she stops in her tracks, squats down and pulls her wings away from her body a bit then she will likely lay within a day or two. However, not all pullets do this. I have...
  6. ForFlocksSake

    What's you plan for 2024 chicks!

    Update: 8 chicks will arrive June 11…
  7. ForFlocksSake

    Brooding outdoors for the first time

    I have 8 babies arriving on the 11th of June and plan to brood (almost entirely) outdoors. We have a massive run that has chambers and the ability to close off sections, so the new babies will live separate (see don't touch) from the very beginning. I do plan to keep them for a few days in the...
  8. ForFlocksSake

    Split beak

    This hen always has a split like this to some degree. Any idea what causes this? She’s perfectly healthy otherwise and none of my other girls have this issue. She’s lowest in the pecking order and definitely gets picked on, but not sure if that would be a cause for her beak to look this way.
  9. ForFlocksSake

    Please don’t call me nuts if it’s just WRONG LOL

    I asked this question once and someone told me its fine as long as you don't tell them 😆
  10. ForFlocksSake

    3 week old polish

    Shes so cute! Golden laced? My golden laced polish laid her first egg yesterday. She's such a fun addition to the flock. I can see myself always having a polish in the bunch.
  11. ForFlocksSake

    Pecking issues

    Ive been dealing with the same problem. I thought we had pinpointed the culprit and removed her (I saw her do it many times). For a while the hen who got the brunt of it started growing her feathers back, but now someone else is doing it to her! And my second original suspect is now also...
  12. ForFlocksSake

    Green Queen Easter Egger gender at 8 weeks

    Definitely a she! Just about 22 weeks now!
  13. ForFlocksSake

    Is this really a Buff Orp?

    I had the same thing happen last year. I called and asked what other breeds they had in stock to try and figure out the mystery. turns out I had a barred rock. They told me they hadn't had any barred rocks. Life is like the chick bins at TSC. You never know what you're gonna get.
  14. ForFlocksSake

    Thoughts on Speckled Sussex?

    Thank you! If they can handle SC then they can handle here for sure. I lived in SC for many years and youre right, its not too far off.
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