No doubt. Not saying it's outside the realm of possibility, but as an avid outdoorsman and hunter, and after growing up on my current piece of property, there has literally never been a hide or hair of any of the above predators.
I've been reading that and have been considering an upgrade to hardware cloth. My only reason for sticking with the CW is that we are on a gated 1.75 acre in a neighborhood that I've grown up in, there's little to no activity as far as coons, possums, or polecats are concerned so I'm not too...
We've got a few Rhode Island Reds that have just about all their feathers, I'd put them at 4 weeks old maybe. How young is too young to get them in the coop with the other older pullets we've already moved in?
New to the poultry life and am excited to continue on my family's journey through it!
My wife and I bought a few Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks and just moved them into the A-frame tractor we built. Looking forward to coming to the forum and getting to know folks along with gaining some much...