Hello all I am still kicking. Much has changed in 16 years but I STILL go out every day to open and close the chicken cooop. Been doing this for near 20 years now.
We have one "wild hen" game hen that will only roost with the Guinea up at the barn. She does not interact with any of the chickens and really stays to herself. She is not laying but seems healthy enough. The Guineas leave her alone and they just go about the day in different directions.
We have 16 Guineas, One Rooster and One hen in the "guinea fowl" enclosure. The rooster and the hen go out and stay together while the guinea fowl run about in groups.
When the hen stays in the enclosure, which sometimes she just does, the rooster mixes with the guinea fowl. I guess I am lucky...
Fortunately I have back ups of most all the pictures I uploaded to photobucet. Many people do not. I have three USB external hard disks, One firewire disk and a number of zip, sydos etc. disks that are external and have multiple backups.
I did so after a rasum ware attack on my computer. I...
I was shocked by this announcement from phtotobucket.com I have since deleted ALL of my pictures on the site accept ones that I do not use to post via the http:...
39.99 USD is basically a ransom for people who need to post their pictures.
In the mean time I was wondering what people are using...
Hello: I have posted on this subject MANY times. I have come to a conclusion. I do not think that one can really train a particular dog to NOT eat your chickens or Guineas.
I also think it is VERY dependent on the particular breed of dog. I have had two Burrnese Mountain dogs in the past few...
Hello: Glad you found the BYC and the Guinea "Farm". I am sure all on here will be glad to answer any questions. Lovely Pics of the White Guinea Fowl. My only problem I have had with my Guines over the years is they
tend to lay their collective eggs in the most DUMB places. Raccoons, Foxes, Dogs...
Hello: it is true that once a Keet gets old enough they do not need game bird 20 percent protein as a 100 percent diet.
However, do be aware that chickens and guinea fowl are very much different when it comes to nutritional needs.
If you let your flock out at least every other day and the bugs...
I have been following this thread for some time. I am "subscribed". I see this wormer in the Cattle section at my local feed/farm store and it is EXPENSIVE.
I have asked if they would consider getting a smaller dose in, but they state the one that costs 45 Bucks is the smallest they...
I have 25 Guinea up at the barn. Thier area is 24x12 with a 14 foot pitch roof at the pitch. They have been in there all Summer and I have a few Game Bird Roosters in there with them. They do not seem to get aggressive with the roosters. They do pick on each other occassionally.
I could not let...
Hello I hvae 20 plus Guinea Fowl up at the barn. I hear them at EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY AND NIGHT. In the past year, they have really been quiet compared to the first couple that I had them. I think they get used to their surroundings and know what to expect throughout the day and night.
If you...