Recent content by Hensndoes

  1. Hensndoes

    FBCM 11/12weeks Pullet or Roo?

    Pullet. Is something wrong with her feet? Picture is too blurry
  2. Hensndoes

    Speckled Sussex & olive egger: Pullets or Roos ?

    Any barred hen will pass her barrin gene to sons only so if roo was solid you can tell sex at hatch pretty much. Other way around (barred roo) doesn’t work
  3. Hensndoes

    Black copper marans? Sexed?

    If they were FBCM then the boy should be showing copper now or soon. Look under his hackles and in the wings for it. Girls can have varying amounts. I have 1 almost perfect FBCM hen with almost none. The white may molt out.
  4. Hensndoes

    Black copper marans? Sexed?

    They do appear to be at least part marans. Looks like a pair - large comb gives the boy away. Where did you get them? He has a lot of white on his chest.
  5. Hensndoes

    Speckled Sussex & olive egger: Pullets or Roos ?

    I’m on the fence about your olive egger. It looks to be a mix of cream legbar and likely Marans as it has a pomp and slate skin. If mom was the CLB then that’s guaranteed male. Post again in a few more weeks! I’ll be curious to see.
  6. Hensndoes

    Blue or Black Copper Marans

    I did think cochin at first but the lack of yellow on the legs... just know that isn’t a marans. Others may be able to help with mix.
  7. Hensndoes

    Blue or Black Copper Marans

    Then I think it’s a mix. There’s no pink/white on the toes at all. Way too feathered feet for that age. Maybe silkie mix with that dark of skin? Does it always stand that erect? Just doesn’t look pure marans to me. I raise them and have had a few different lines none of which looked like that yet.
  8. Hensndoes

    Blue or Black Copper Marans

    How old? Those are some heavily feathered feet yet no copper showing. Sold as a pure bred?
  9. Hensndoes

    French Black Copper Marans Sexing

    Yes. See the copper in the wingbows- male only trait
  10. Hensndoes

    How not to let a broody hatch chicks.

    I let her go again (not that I had a choice as she can’t be broke) after 8 weeks of broody behavior- I did give her eggs eventually which I couldn’t check due to her ferocious behavior. Sadly they weren’t fertile. I found a breeder and shockingly she’s didn’t attack when I put my hands in her...
  11. Hensndoes


    Silkie X. Legs are grey. I would think a Cochin X would give yellow legs (the experts may need to correct me)
  12. Hensndoes

    French cuckoo maran, Gender? Age?

    Here- this is a 3 yr old hatchery hen. She is a more typical of coloring but yours are a way way lot lighter. Her comb is a bit shriveled for obvious reasons but not too far from the norm.
  13. Hensndoes

    French cuckoo maran, Gender? Age?

    I would be shocked if either was a pullet. Are you sure they were as old as you think? Form your post you’re guessing they are as much as 16 weeks??? Where did you get them?
  14. Hensndoes

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    I wouldn’t mind. I’m hoping for 2 out of the 3 to be boys it’s taken me 2 yrs to build a starter stock. I better hear some crowing!
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