Old post but I wanted to update anyway on the off chance that it could help someone. Shortly after the last update, I took Lil Bit to the vet. His x ray showed some small tumors. Based on that and his physical symptoms, the vet suspected Mareks. We assumed the worst and prepared to say goodbye...
Thank you :) I ended up taking him to the vet the next morning. She didn't feel anything swollen, broken or out of place either and suggested the possibility of mareks. She took a blood sample to send off to the lab for a pcr test and gave him rimadyl for pain. The pain meds seem to be helping...
Thank you! I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with your flock too. I asked that same question bc our flock has a huge pool and several waterers so dehydration wouldn't have been an issue. I also watched both of them drink quite often. In hindsight, it was too often. Putting all of the pieces...
I have a 4 month old dark brahma/EE mix cockerel that is having issues with his left leg. I don't know his weight as my scale broke but I'd guess he's maybe 3lbs? He has grown faster and larger than his 8 hatch mates though. Idk if his fast growth would have anything to do with this though.This...
Necropsy update/pics.....
Thank you to everyone for encouraging me to have a necropsy done! I opted to drive to the closest state lab and drop him off. I'm so glad that I did!! Two weeks later, I hadn't received the preliminary report email so I called the lab and was put through to the...
Thank you, can you recommend a dewormer that is safe to use and available over the counter? Last year we had a hen poop out a roundworm. At the time, we had an amazing vet that saw chickens that prescribed something to put in the flocks water. He has since left the practice and they don't...
Thank you...I'm considering doing a necropsy myself and have reached out to the vet to see if they'd be willing to do a fecal test even though they don't currently have a dr that sees chickens.
Thank you. I'm located in central Virginia(Louisa County). From what the link shows, Harrisonburg and Warrenton are my options. I have him in a bag in the cooler on ice for now and I am considering attempting the necropsy myself. I haven't checked the video yet though but will this evening to...
We lost our sweet 8 month old(4lb 4oz) Easter Egger cockerel, Patch, last night to suspected coccidiosis. Back story. Two days ago our 4 year old Isa started wheezing. I brought her inside to treat her. She is doing great now(I think her nostrils were clogged with dirt) but I noticed she had...
My lesson has been learned...don't buy chicks from tsc. It seems this is a common issue for them. But, I should've paid more attention when he was picking them. On the plus side, I did get 3 lovely rhode island red pullets and a cockerel out of it. And I got lucky and found someone local that...