Recent content by Htwo

  1. Htwo

    Easter egger in distress

    My girl isn't getting any better and is sitting in the nesting box often 😭 I don't know what to do. Seems like torture to let her continue on.
  2. Htwo

    Easter egger in distress

    I do not de-worm unless I see a need to, and so far I haven't. No new additions. Food is fresh and kept in a locked bin. Definitely no mold. They have access to layer feed, I throw out 5 grain scratch with mealworms each morning, and they free range through out the day.
  3. Htwo

    Easter egger in distress

    No respiratory symptoms, however, about 8 months ago, I had to put down her friend that was having respiratory symptoms and not getting better with meds. It's definitely hot here in SWMO, but they have plenty of shade, fresh cold water (refreshed twice a day) and cold treats on unbearable days...
  4. Htwo

    Easter egger in distress

    My girl HeyHey is 4 years old and has been laying shell-less eggs for a while. I've been giving her 600mg calcium with D3 daily and she is still not laying solid eggs. This morning after giving her medicine,she didn't hurry off like she normally does, and has let out (from her cloaca) a few...
  5. Htwo

    No shell

    I've got a 4 year old EE who has had dirty butt feathers for a few months off and on, but otherwise acting normal. She laid a soft egg on the poop board one night about a month ago but otherwise has not been laying. I just thought it was old age. Last night I was watching my flock out in the...
  6. Htwo

    Can anyone give feedback on Zoologix?

    Did you end up using them? I'm looking into them, too. Just curious about the respiratory panel.
  7. Htwo

    Amberlink or Sussex??

    These 2 white chicks are about 9 weeks old and I still don't know what TSC sold me. What's your guess?? Mine is Sussex, just because of the black spots breaking through, but now I'm noticing their hackle and back feathers are starting to appear darker, almost silver looking. 🤯
  8. Htwo

    Soft egg on poo board

    I found this in my girls pop board this morning. It's from my 2 year old Easter egger. I haven't noticed any other questionable behavior. Should I be concerned?
  9. Htwo

    What are we?!?

    Better pics hopefully! This one is acting like a roo and was the straight run chick.
  10. Htwo

    What are we?!?

    I got these babies from TSC on 4/12 and it was a somewhat chaotic day for me and now I do not remember what I got! All I can remember is that 3 were pullets (the 2 yellows and the black/blue one perched in the pics) and the last one pictured was a straight run. The 2 yellows are so sweet!! They...
  11. Htwo

    Frostbit comb?

    My coop isn't ventilated, officially. It has a southern facing opening (18"x 18") that attached to the covered, outdoor run, and that's it. The opening is on the opposite side of the shed from their roost. I'm with ya on the heat lamp. I don't want to use it, I just feel so bad for my sweet girl.
  12. Htwo

    Frostbit comb?

    Much like the rest of the US, we've had sub-zero temps. I've never given my hens any supplemental heat, as they roost inside a shed. I noticed today that my girl Roxanne has some black rings at the top of her comb. Is this (probably) frostbite? 😭 Should I add a heat lamp for them until temps rise?
  13. Htwo

    Roost directly over compost

    I'm needing to revamp my coops run and my compost area. What are your thoughts on placing my compost pile directly underneath my girls roosting area? They have multiple roosts, both inside and out, but they typically always roost in one spot outside. I'm thinking if they're roosting directly...
  14. Htwo

    Sick Hen

    Video of hen breathing I don't have a pic of her poop, but it appears fine. I've never dewormed. Her crop feels normal and all other body parts appear normal. I've not added any new birds to my flock and all my other hens are fine.
  15. Htwo

    Sick Hen

    My 3 year old Sussex hen has been sick for over a month now and it seems to be getting worse. Her breathing is raspy and she looks like it's very hard to breathe sometimes. She has not been laying for a couple months, but that's not unusual. None of my other hens are exhibiting symptoms. I've...
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