Recent content by Jrm1208

  1. Jrm1208

    Gosling air sac in pointy end?

    Thank you so much for the article! It did finally burst out of its shell like a “Jack-in-the-box”, but I just didn’t know if that was a common thing.
  2. Jrm1208

    Gosling air sac in pointy end?

    Hi everyone! Long time poultry keeper but not very much experience with incubating. Have a gosling that has an air sac in the pointy end of the egg. It has pipped though, in the wide end. This happened about 24 hours ago. I can barely see it (through the wide end) through a slit in the membrane...
  3. Jrm1208

    What kind of hen is this

    Had several hens given to me when they were pullets. This one has darker skin (gray). Dark orange eyes. Single darker red comb. Has some feathering on her legs down to her feet, but not over her feet. She’s mild mannered as well but not one that likes to be held. I believe they said they got...
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