Recent content by juliechick

  1. juliechick

    Half Sider Questions

    I know this is an old thread, but I thought I would share a pic of my half-sider hen. Parents were a Golden Neck d'Uccle and a Brown Red Modern cock.
  2. juliechick

    Breed of this couple?

    "Lacing" is the color that goes around the edge of each feather. Splash is the term for a color variety that is mostly white with some blue "splashes". If blue birds (genetic code Bb) are mated together, they throw a percentage of ‘off’ colours in their chicks, the probability being 25% blacks...
  3. juliechick

    Barred Rock... Late bloomer or rooster?

    Late bloomer is a pullet!
  4. juliechick

    What gender is this?

    He's a rooster.
  5. juliechick

    Mysterious egg

    Do you have pictures of your chickens?
  6. juliechick

    Which Breed & Gender of Our Chickens

    She looks to be a Barred Plymouth Rock. Their legs will fade out after they have been laying for awhile.
  7. juliechick

    What sex is my blue leghorn??

    I would say with a comb that big and red at that age, it's a rooster.
  8. juliechick

    Thuringian Chicken

    Interesting! Very pretty birds.
  9. juliechick

    Thuringian Chicken

    The color is Golden Neck. She looks like a d'Anvers, but she should have a rose comb.
  10. juliechick

    what breed is my chicken ?

    They look like Serama.
  11. juliechick

    Barred Rock... Late bloomer or rooster?

    It's possible that it's a cockerel. The roosters do develop more slowly. But I wouldn't say for sure at this age.
  12. juliechick

    Is my buff orphington a roo or a hen?

    If it is only 13 weeks, then I would think it is possibly a cockerel. Do you have pics of the other two?
  13. juliechick

    what breed am i?

    They could be Silkie x something smooth feathered mix. That would explain the dark skin, beard and 5 toes.
  14. juliechick

    11 week old Easter egger- roo?

    Looks like a pullet to me.
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