Recent content by Keets n chicks

  1. K

    Does she look OK?

    We are in NJ, She seemed healthy otherwise. it's getting cooler at nights. 40s. I will check her out. I let them out every afternoon for an hour to run around. Normally they are all over the place. she just went off by herself and wanted so sit under a tree cart. I thought she might be laying an...
  2. K

    Does she look OK?

    what is Ascites? I will check her out. Don't know if I would know if there is swelling as these are the first chickens I have had. I guess I can compare her to another. I also found an egg in the run that had a soft shell, almost like a balloon instead of a hard shell???
  3. K

    Does she look OK?

    She looks very bloated to me. When I let them out of the run she went under a tree cart and just laid there. I wasn't sure if she was trying to lay an egg. my flock just started laying about 2 weeks ago. but not all of the chickens are laying yet. I am getting 4 eggs from six chickens a day...
  4. K

    Is this Guinea crying or in pain?

    My guinea is making a call that I haven't heard before. Is she in pain? I've attached a video to listen to.
  5. K

    Guineas are murderous buttholes and I feel terrible...

    I can't kill them either. We put the instigator in a dog crate for a few days and things have calmed down a bit. My husband is building another (small) coop to move the chickens to. Hopefully it will be done this weekend because we can see things picking up slowly. I am hoping they will be...
  6. K

    My guinea is laying around all of the time

    How should I hold her to do this? I usually corner them and hold their wings to there bodies and pick them up. I don't know if I can feel her chest like that.
  7. K

    My guinea is laying around all of the time

    I'm sorry, what is the keel? I think it may be limping a little bit. I will try to catch it tomorrow, but that wont be easy:(
  8. K

    My guinea is laying around all of the time

    He/she (don't know) lays a little bit away from the rest of the flock. I am not sure if something is wrong. He/she does get up and walk, and flies up to roost but that is about it. He/she looks a little smaller than the others. Any ideas?
  9. K

    Caught guinea attacking chicken. and put him in a dog pen. How long...

    I'm pretty sure the aggressor is a male, I think we will try to re-home him as he has been mean to the guineas too, at 8-10 weeks he was drawing blood on the other guineas. I hope it doesn't come to culling as I don't have the make-up to carry that out. We are going to put the chickens in their...
  10. K

    Caught guinea attacking chicken. and put him in a dog pen. How long...

    We are working on separating them. The new coop should be done today or tomorrow. They will be able to see each other in the runs. Is that OK? Do I have to let them free range at different times
  11. K

    Caught guinea attacking chicken. and put him in a dog pen. How long...

    I wrote about the guineas terrorizing my chickens. All are about 4 months old. they were raised together in the same brooder. Yesterday we saw the culprit grab onto the chicken's wing and drag her about. She was screaming terribly. It was awful. I was able to corner him, and my husband and I put...
  12. K

    bare spot in the coop floor.

    I also see a lot of feathers gathering in the corner. Is this normal too?
  13. K

    bare spot in the coop floor.

    I will try the PDZ. I was also wondering if I need to have a lower roosting bar so they can hop up to the higher one. I now have one height that is on two walls at a 90 degree angle.
  14. K

    bare spot in the coop floor.

    Thanks, I will try increasing it.
  15. K

    bare spot in the coop floor.

    It seems that all of the litter ends up around the sides of the coop and the center is bare floor. I assume it's because they fly up to the roosts. Does anyone else have this problem? I have poop on the floor which they step in. The floor is vinyl so its easy to clean but I don't think the deep...
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