Recent content by Layniep3

  1. L

    Extra run for free ranging during the day

    This is exactly what I was thinking but wasn't sure how to implement a human door. I plan on creating a connecting tunnel that connects their enclosed run to the new "play yard." What kind of netting did you use for the top and where did you get it?
  2. L

    Extra run for free ranging during the day

    I want to build an extra play area for my chickens to free range that connects to their predator proof run/coop. It would need to have some sort of chicken wire ceiling to keep out a hawk that won't leave them alone. I considered buying an enclosed run from Amazon but the reviews aren't very...
  3. L

    Stumbling, weak, pale comb

    Update: The vet suspects an ovarian mass that is pressing on a nerve, causing lameness in her leg. She is still eating like a horse, so we're going to try anti-inflammatories and palliative care until she is no longer comfortable.
  4. L

    Stumbling, weak, pale comb

    She pooped a tiny bit. It’s hard to tell if it’s abnormal, but nothing is blatantly wrong with it. She ate a large fistful of chicken pellets that were made into a slurry and half a scrambled egg with oregano.
  5. L

    Stumbling, weak, pale comb

    She was hatched march 21,2020. She eats purina laying pellets and gets supplemental veggies, eggs, and occasional baked chicken. I work at a hospital and will bring home unwanted plain chicken meat for them. They haven’t been able to free range the last month due to a very tenacious hawk.
  6. L

    Stumbling, weak, pale comb

    I discovered one of my chickens to be stumbling, weak, thin, and has an extremely dry, pale comb. I don’t feel a hard mass in her abdomen so I don’t think she’s egg bound but I lubed her vent anyway. I gave her a few syringes of an electrolyte mix and she is now furiously eating a slurry of her...
  7. L

    Preventing future hawk attacks

    I'm not familiar with cat netting. Is it easy to find or more of a specialty item?
  8. L

    Preventing future hawk attacks

    What kind of netting did you use?
  9. L

    hawk attack lockdown

    I've heard of this but wasn't sure how effective it is. Based on your research, is it worth it?
  10. L

    Hawk attack! What now???

    My backyard has several trees, shrubs, and lawn furniture. I thought I had plenty of hiding spots but I guess it wasn't enough :(
  11. L

    Hawk attack! What now???

    After 3 years I've had my first fatality due to a hawk attack. My poor girl was ripped open in front of her flock a mere 10 minutes before I got home. I've been keeping everyone in their covered run since then, but I feel terrible since they love to free-range and forage in the backyard. I've...
  12. L

    wheezing chicken

    They free range all day and their coop is airy, so ventilation shouldn’t be an issue. I fed her a piece of bread soaked in olive oil and massaged her crop and she seems to be doing better.
  13. L

    wheezing chicken

    I have two chickens that i have been treating with SMZ for chronic diarrhea. They have been treated for several days with no improvement but still have a few more days left. They are eating, drinking, and acting perfectly fine, however today one of them has started wheezing when she breathes...
  14. L

    Crows chasing off hawks

    I have recently seen crows/ravens chasing hawks away from my chickens on at least two different occasions. One of those times they actually got the hawk to drop the chicken that it was flying away with! My girls are all full grown and sizeable. Should I try to encourage the crows to continue...
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