
I'm a 46 year old grandmother to three beautiful boys. 10, 5, and 4 my five year old grandson is nonverbal autistic. Im with the man I had been in love with for 20 years, but we were always with the wrong person.
I have had 3 beautiful daughters, but two past in infancy. My baby daughter is 26. She's the mother of my grandsons.
My love for chickens started when as a preteen we went to Pondarosa farms in Wisconsin. My sister, who was the baby age 5 or 6. and I wanted a baby chicken. So we took a chick from the farm hiding it in her pocket. On the drive home to Minneapolis. My dad, 30 minutes into the drive, asks our mom if she hears a cheaping sound. He pulled over and my sister and I began to cheap cheaper trying to out sound the baby chick. Unfortunately my dad searched and found the adorable yellow chick. We got scolded, And I protested I'd v be a good chicken mommy!!! Now I repeatedly tell my dad(he has passed away) see daddy I told you I would be a GREAT chicken mommy, and I am! I take a sense of pride knowing all those years back I wanted that baby chick so BAD!!
Oct 21, 1976 (Age: 47)
Milton, Florida
Real Name
Monique Rivera
Why do you want to join our community?
I am a oving chicken momma. I want to share my adorable children with the group and find out EVERYTHING I need to know about my fluffy butt babies


Crazy Chicken Momma



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