Recent content by littlecoopnextdoor

  1. L

    Ontario, Canada

    never too early to start changing bylaws :) happy to help if needed.
  2. L

    More natural run set up?

    If you can fit them, a few small bushes in buried pots would be a nice start! if you cut the bottom of the pot and half bury it, you'll have a little chicken proof circle around it so they don't uproot it. Try haskap berries! They are very early to fruit (even before strawberries) and birds LOVE...
  3. L

    Can you feed this?

    so they're fermented grapes/raisins?
  4. L

    Horned owl (nothing bad happened)

    that sounds so incredible. very special to see that!
  5. L

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    I am sorry you've got through this, and your neighbours too. It's not fun to have those bad feelings from all parties in the neighbourhood. Since you are starting over, take the opportunity to change things for the good: 1 - rid the property of rats, please hire an exterminator. It's not...
  6. L

    Poisonous Flowers

    I also worried about this too and monitored. I noticed the hens just occasionally will peck at a new tulip coming up, but spit it out. I would. be concerned if the poisons plants were in a contained run that they could get curious/bored in. But if they're out where they are walking around other...
  7. L

    "weeping" dwarf trees or shrubs?

    There is a Siberian pea shrub that fits this, chickens like to eat the pods too. Also a weeping mulberry. but check your area as it both are invasive and prohibited in some parts of the USA
  8. L

    Baby chick is screaming; but is it for me?

    I had a chick do this and I know the pain, it's LOUD. and usually it was when she was kind of 'lost' and didn't know how to get back under the heat plate. I guided her back in and she was quiet and content.
  9. L

    My story of finding and building the best heater

    hi there! Fellow Canadian :) I don't heat my coop at all, it's on the smaller side and I have a small flock. We did have some cold days -20ish but overall it doesn't get too unbearable here for my girls as long as the wind is kept off of them.. I am not sure what I would want in a heater that...
  10. L

    My hen is paralysed!!!!

    oh gosh, yes please make sure all poison is in locked boxes that pets etc cannot access.
  11. L

    My hen is paralysed!!!!

    im' so sorry she passed. you took good care of her <3
  12. L

    When do you Spring clean your Coop?

    I usually scoop out my deep bedding in late March so I can have it sit on the garden for a month or two before planting. Around the same time I dig out a bunch of compost from the deep litter in the run and put it on my garden. Then I pour in some woodchips and the cycle begins again :)
  13. L

    Is this worth $200

    might be a scam, there are so many on chicken groups
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