Recent content by Littlefoxhat

  1. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    Loved those games, I played several on the Nintendo DS. So fun!
  2. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    Stardew Valley! Yeah! It's one of my favorites. Fields of Mistria is very similar, with a bit more of an anime/fantasy vibe.
  3. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    Anyone playing Fields of Mistria? It's a new farming/life sim on Steam by NPC Studios. It's still in early access development, but it's pretty fun and a cute cozy game for the coming fall/winter months. Character design is great and interactions with the characters is really well fleshed out.
  4. Littlefoxhat

    Neighbors complaining about flies

    I am having a similar issue with my neighbors, I have four birds that we only allow to free-range about once a week. We use sand as the run medium and hemp shavings + pine mulch for the bedding. Bedding gets cleaned every week, run gets cleaned every day, usually twice or three times because...
  5. Littlefoxhat

    Ended Official BYC 2024 Summer Fair—Indoor Plant Show

    Yay! I have a ton of indoor plant friends, looking forward to this!
  6. Littlefoxhat

    Ended Official BYC 2024 Summer Fair

    Super fun! Looking forward to participating :) Happy Summer Fair everyone 🐤🐣🐥
  7. Littlefoxhat

    What are some of the most mind-blowing facts about chickens that few people actually know??

    Chickens hatch with every single egg they will ever lay in their lives ALREADY inside of their ovaries :) same as human females, actually.
  8. Littlefoxhat

    Topic of the Week - Dogs and Chickens

    I have two dogs, a Shiba Inu mix (10) and a Husky mix (18 mo.) and both are respectful of my chickens. The shiba was very interested in the birds at first and I was worried that his small-animal prey drive would be an issue, but I allowed him to be on leash when the chicks were out grazing. Soon...
  9. Littlefoxhat

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    No mask for me. I have a very small coop with a bedding drawer that gets cleaned once a week, it's a bit dusty but I usually stand upwind of where I'm working. I do a deep litter method with construction sand in the run and usually just spot clean that every morning/ whenever it looks gross...
  10. Littlefoxhat

    How Much do you all feed your chickens?

    I have four in my flock, all a few months shy of a year old. I feed fermented grower feed (with some mix-ins) 24oz per day free choice. Sometimes they eat every scrap and sometimes they leave 4-8oz when they go to sleep (though with longer days, they tend to finish their food more often). I also...
  11. Littlefoxhat

    BYC Writing/Reading/Gaming Club

    I am a very avid reader, currently working my way through the Wheel of Time series, I'm on Book 9 right now. I like to read books in tandem as well, and usually work on two books at once. I read my 15-book goal in 2023 and was very happy to do so. I have always loved to write and have a BA in...
  12. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    Haha, thanks for the heads up but I know that there's themes in BG3...but I am and adult myself (almost 35!) so I'm here for it haha
  13. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    Haha Ashley and Kaiden who? :tongue No I haven't played Dragon Age yet, don't know much about it. I want to get into Baldur's Gate 3 soon...more video game boyfriends (and girlfriends)!
  14. Littlefoxhat

    Any Gamers Here?

    I have played No Man's Sky! I thought it was really fun and I liked the sandbox feel to the gameplay. I also liked that it's cross-platform and I could play with people on different consoles/PC. I started Mass Effect trying to be a badass using the "Ruthless" responses, but I quickly got...
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