Recent content by LottieDa

  1. LottieDa

    I made my own roll out nest box!

    Excellent DIY project! Wonder if I can get my dear husband to build our girls something like this!
  2. LottieDa

    Comment by 'LottieDa' in item 'Black Sex Link chicken'

    Thanks hotchicks5! And as you can see, she's certainly not camera shy! ;-)
  3. LottieDa

    Review by '' on item 'Black Sex Link chicken'

    We've had amazing luck with the BSL. Super Layer but sometimes they get egg bound. Lost one last winter because we didn't recognize the signs quickly enough. BSL's are very curious, social chickens. Ours are the first to greet us and the most vocal. Sometimes annoyingly vocal. They can be...
  4. LottieDa

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    First year with the Wellies! Here's 2 of my 4 pullets. They've just recently successfully integrated with my happy flock!
  5. LottieDa

    Two Broody hens sitting side by side should I separate them before the hatch day?

    We have chicks! Two broody hens worked on this hatch and one eventually gave up and let Lucy (who is higher in the pecking order) brood the eggs. Friday Lucy hatched 5 perfect little chickies! I took a little video clip to show you the new babies. Only 3 had hatched at the point I took the...
  6. LottieDa

    Two Broody hens sitting side by side should I separate them before the hatch day?

    Oh I hope someone replies to your post, because I'm in the same situation. I have a BLRW who went broody a month ago, so a couple days ago I finally gave her some fertile eggs to hatch. And now my Barred Rock has been in the same box brooding the same eggs! I booted her out once and she went...
  7. LottieDa

    1st experience with prolapse. Here's what I've done, what else can I do, and pictures.

    Hello my chicken guru's, sorry about the graphic pics but I don't know how to describe what I'm seeing and pictures tell more than I could anyway. Last night I found my alpha (RIR) hen with a prolapse. I've never dealt with this before so I did what I thought was logical. I soaked her in...
  8. LottieDa

    Comment by 'LottieDa' in article 'How To Raise A Chicken As A Family Pet'

    What a great article. That's exactly how we raised our hens and they are very sweet. They're a couple years old now and are more independent. They still come running all excited when I come home from work but after we greet each other and chat for a bit they wander off and get back to their...
  9. LottieDa

    Do I have a BLRW roo????

    I had the very same situation. Adopted what I thought were 2 BLRW pullets and one turned out to be a Roo. Here's what I noticed. At a few months old the Roo had much thicker leg bones than the hen and was much larger. At the time I wondered if someone had crossed a cornish to get those kind...
  10. LottieDa

    Comment by 'LottieDa' in item 'Easter Eggers'

    I have an EE and one thing I noticed right away is the beard. The chickens in your picture do not have the beard that EE usually have. I have no clue on the sex.
  11. LottieDa

    Comment by 'LottieDa' in article 'What To Do With Unwanted Cockerels'

    My sweet little pullet turned out to be a cockerel and so far the rest of the ladies are NOT interested in having him around. Fortunately he seems quieter than some others I've heard of. He crows a few times in the morning and once or twice during the day. He's still young (hatched mid-Feb 2012)...
  12. Ava, my silly little Crested Polish.

    Ava, my silly little Crested Polish.

  13. LottieDa

    Why aren't my hens laying?

    I'm in a similar situation. 8 hens... all just over 1 year old. All regular layers, usually 4 to 5 eggs a day. Then a couple weeks ago it was down to 3 or 4 a day. This week was 1 to 2 a day. And the last 2 days, NO eggs. They are fed organic feed, recieve a treat each day (either dried...
  14. LottieDa

    Understanding Chicken Math

    Here's an example of how chicken math works.... We have 8 laying hens and this spring I thought I'd like to add 4 chicks to make an even dozen. My husband approved. He came home and checked out the new chicks and said, "uh... honey? did you forget how to count to 4?" I said, "no, I got 4"...
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