Recent content by lulu_lulu

  1. lulu_lulu

    help redesign my coop into a "free range coop"

    I have a coop of size 9x4 meters, with about 20 chicken that I keep inside all the time. the reason I keep them all inside is because the predator in my village (Human/Thief). my farm and my home is separated quite far, about 300 meters away. so I cant always watch them all day, especially at...
  2. lulu_lulu

    Help, collapse chicken

    i have her since she hatch. yes, I added some new chicken about month old in the coop, but I still separate them by fence. I live in indonesia.
  3. lulu_lulu

    Help, collapse chicken

    Oh ty for the reply, she cant move her leg when i made her stand, she just fell down after a few seconds, and she is just around half year old
  4. lulu_lulu

    Help, collapse chicken

    Help me, my chicken can't stand on its legs, i ve quarantine it for 2 days but nothing changed. Whenever I try to push it to see if she can already walk or not she always look like losing balance then fell down again.
  5. lulu_lulu

    Question about adding chicks to a flock???

    dont do that, i ve lost several chicks doing that before, even if the chick already 6 weeks old or more. maybe the older hen and roo dont kill them but they still dont have a chance to eat. even if u put multyple feeder at separate place, the older chicken will just split to eat. and even if...
  6. lulu_lulu

    When will they be comfortable?

    my bird not eat from my hand, they steal from my hand, i just bring kitchen scrap to their run and they surround me to steal it before i give it to them. even with all that they still panic if picked up, maybe its just because they not used.
  7. lulu_lulu

    what can you do to unfertile eggs from incubator??

    thanks for all the suggestion. compost and feed back to the chicken. hope they still edible for chicken
  8. lulu_lulu

    what can you do to unfertile eggs from incubator??

    one of sad things when incubating eggs is knowing that some eggs was not fertile. from several time incubate eggs, I almost always got 1/3 of total eggs that not fertile. usually I throw it or put it on nest box as decoy, but those two option is wasteful I think, since I don't want to put more...
  9. lulu_lulu

    What should I do with these slow developing eggs?

    in my case when I dont know what day the egg is (like when I found a wild broody chicken nest and take all its egg). I will put the egg in egg turner until the pip is appear, then move the egg with pip to hatcher. but actually they can still hatch even if they still in the egg turner (happen to...
  10. lulu_lulu

    Help my 2 days old chick with yolk on it

    Hmm, ok. Ty for your time responding to my post
  11. lulu_lulu

    Help my 2 days old chick with yolk on it

    Please help, what should i do to help this chick, i have left it alone in incubator box for 2 days but it still not absorbed or fell.
  12. lulu_lulu

    how to reduce humidity

    its work, after less than a day my incubators humidity reduced to 57%, hope it will goes down again to 50% :D oh, thanks with the sponge idea, i ll try to add it if this rice method cant reduced humidity to my preferable. and right now my incubators box has no water in it because the humidity...
  13. lulu_lulu

    Comment by 'lulu_lulu' in item 'Omlet chicken fencing.'

    I want to make coop out of this kind of net since it is cheap, but does this net work against rat and mouse??
  14. lulu_lulu

    how to reduce humidity

    ok, I ll try it ty for the answerr
  15. lulu_lulu

    how to reduce humidity

    I live in tropical climate country that only have dry and wet season. my experience in my last incubating egg it was during dry season, the air humidity outside the incubator box is around 30%-55%. and in the box I tried to keep the humidity around 50%-55%. usually when open the box for candling...
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