Recent content by Magnolia Ducks

  1. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    TSC is less than 5 minute so the most she was swimming was ten. Now the Ancona are escaping. I just found one under the TV. Setting up a better brooder tomorrow. The pot little duckling passed.
  2. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    Ok. I had two eggs in the bator. They both hatched but one is not going to make it. So single duckling is screaming its head off. I start calling around and TSC got in some ducklings an hour ago. I run over to get the baby some companians. They have Anconas! So I grab two and head home...
  3. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    Ducks can't get rabies. Their body temp is too high.
  4. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    :rant :hugs
  5. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    Domestic drakes take longer to understand the corkscrew. About 8 months or so
  6. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    If they are still peeping they are drakes. Hens would be quacking at this age. Its not unusual for young ducks to make their own flock within A flock.
  7. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    Sorry I've been on holiday. My gander was an ahole to the bird sitter. Don't know if shell come back. I forgot to remind her of the broom of death. She says he was a snake. Also everything in my garden got over grown. The cukes got to big to pickle. The cantelope fell off the vine. So...
  8. Magnolia Ducks

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    If you see any blood STOP
  9. Magnolia Ducks

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    72 hours or till you hear sTress peeping.
  10. Magnolia Ducks

    The Quack Shack

    You might be better just having a handicapped duck. Ducks really don't do well with anesthesia. A number of them die.
  11. Magnolia Ducks

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    This is excellent advice
  12. Magnolia Ducks

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    If your ducklings have crests on the sides of their heads where their ear holes are they may be deaf. They can still live a good life, they just are loud.
  13. Magnolia Ducks

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    Also, I really know nothing about calls so I would ping them.
  14. Magnolia Ducks

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    I give tiny safety holes when they star to shadow. I wouldn't do it unless you can see their little bills pushing. Holes I make are very tiny. If you can afford it, I highly recommend Brinsea they are pricy but I get much higher hatch rates. I call them set and forget it. My nurture right...
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