Recent content by Mere_poule

  1. M

    Sick 12 week old chick, lethargic and emaciated

    Sadly she passed. Thank you for your help 💕
  2. M

    Sick 12 week old chick, lethargic and emaciated

    Thank you for your kind words. I will continue to treat for coccidiosis and hope for the best!🤞 I suspected ocular Marek’s but wasn’t sure because she doesn’t have the pinpoint pupils. But her other symptoms align with the link you sent 😞 I was also hopeful that because she’d been vaccinated...
  3. M

    Sick 12 week old chick, lethargic and emaciated

    I started treating with Corid yesterday because I didn’t know what else it could be! These are her poops from this morning. They are liquidy and greenish brown and are quite smelly. Her eyes are grey and the pupils are both equally dilated and do not respond to light. Is this normal for...
  4. M

    Sick 12 week old chick, lethargic and emaciated

    Hi BYC fam, Any idea what could be going on with my little chick? She is supposed to be a crested cream legbar and is 12 weeks old. I got her and her sister as day olds to add to my small existing flock of 3. They are vaccinated against Mareks. I kept them inside and separate from the older...
  5. M

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    Our chickens poop on a poop board that is cleaned daily and generates little to no dust. I don’t wear a mask for that. For the once a year spring cleaning of the coop, I do wear a mask because it’s dusty!
  6. M

    New and need help sexing 5 week old chick

    Hi there from a fellow Canadian in Quebec! I was looking to add some Sasso hens to our small backyard flock. How have your Sasso’s been? Do they lay well? Have they handled the cold, and are they noisy? Thank you!!
  7. M

    New member from eastern Ontario, Canada

    Ooh 🙈 I’ll try both your suggestions!! Thank you! Can’t seem to find much info on the sasso!
  8. M

    New member from eastern Ontario, Canada

    Hi there from a fellow Canadian in Quebec! How have your Sasso hens been? Have they handled the cold well, do they lay a lot, are they quiet? I am thinking to add a few to our backyard flock. Thank you!
  9. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    We live in Canada. I’m not aware of these services here but I can do some research to find out.
  10. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    Yes! Very similar! I did all the same things, and this went on for almost one month but sadly she passed this morning. 😞 I’m happy to hear your chicken is healthy!!
  11. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    @Tookie Sadly she died this morning 😭 I was giving her scrambled eggs and meat and vitamin water, as well as her Vit B complex and Vit E everyday. I had made her a chicken sling/hammock so she wouldn’t soil herself and was doing ‘physical therapy’ with her legs everyday. Her legs started...
  12. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    What a relief to not be Mareks! I’ll try to give the vitamins whole, and will give her some meat or fish too. Thank you again ❤️ will keep you posted!
  13. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    Weeks!! Ok so I should not give up! I’ve been giving her the vitamins for a week, plus Nutri Drench, plus scrambled eggs, as well as her chick crumble. Hopefully will see an improvement soon. 🤞 Thank you @nuthatched!
  14. M

    Weak, can’t stand 10 week old crested legbar mix pullet

    Hi Tookie! Hope you’re well! How long is it supposed to take before we see an improvement, if it’s a vitamin deficiency? It’s been 1 week of giving her Vit B complex 1/2 tab and Vit E 400 IU and she has not shown any improvement. I would say she is slightly worse. She lays down most of the...
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