Recent content by Mitchell'sCoop

  1. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    We haven't had any wrinkled eggs, I had looked into IB also but no egg issues aside from a couple soft shell/shelless from first time layers.
  2. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    Yeah they don't have any odor, I've seen with MG they have a sweet smell to their breath as well and they don't seem to have that either as of yet, not sure if the odor shows up later on or not but thinking it should already be present if it is that if they will have it. It's so frustrating...
  3. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    Also it seems to be much harder on the roosters than it is on the hens. Most of the hens only had one side of their face that got swollen but the roosters had it on both sides with more swelling and trouble breathing. I've checked for gape worm and eye worms as well as mites and lice and haven't...
  4. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    Thank you, this is the hardest part!! I really feel like if I had done more this wouldn't have happen, the guilt is thick right now. I know over all this is very much a learning experience, and I'm definitely learning a lot but this is a really hard lesson. I just want to do right by them and if...
  5. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    I've looked into it as well but I don't think this is it. I mean its bad... it could possibly be coryza but they are missing some of the symptoms for it. But here is a pic of one of the girls tonight, both of her eyes are swollen shut.
  6. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    Thank you I'm definitely trying to decide what would be the best thing to do. I know taking the bird/s in to get tests done will definitely need to happen to know exactly what we are looking at moving forward. Really unsure if we cull the entire flock (50+ currently) if we will even choose to...
  7. Mitchell'sCoop

    MG? Help I need advice on what is our best option.

    I need some input, advice, help figuring out what is the best option. We have had our original flock for just over a year. Every thing had been going great! I got some new birds recently and made the stupid mistake of not quarantining them for 30 days, after a week I started to integrated them...
  8. Mitchell'sCoop

    Review by '' on item 'Cochin'

    I LOVE our cochins!! Our rooster is HUGE but he is such a sweet boy! The girls are fantastic as well. They are probably the calmest breed we have in our flock. They are beautiful and so entertaining to watch! They are excellent layers once they start laying. The wait for them is completely worth...
  9. Mitchell'sCoop

    Review by '' on item 'Australorp'

    We have several Australorps in our flock, they are very friendly sweet birds. Our girls run up to us every time we go to the coop you have to be careful where you step as to not step on them as they are always underfoot. They are very calm and have very laid back personalities. They are a bit...
  10. Mitchell'sCoop

    Review by '' on item 'Ameraucana'

    We raise blue, black and splash Ameraucanas. We adore them! The roosters are wonderful with the hens and not aggressive towards us at all. They are an excellent breed!
  11. Mitchell'sCoop

    Egg bound or coccidiosis?

    I'm not sure, following your post as my hen had similar symptoms yesterday. She was fine Saturday then yesterday afternoon she was a bit hunched over in the nesting box around noon, I brought her in and soaked her in an Epsom salt bath and got her dried off and placed her in a quiet room in the...
  12. Mitchell'sCoop

    Can anyone help... not sure what they are

    It may be a campine. Check out this info on the breed (there is a pic of a young one that looks similar to yours).
  13. Mitchell'sCoop

    Can anyone help... not sure what they are

    I'm not sure, it's very pretty though! This is a pic of an adult Hamburg hen.
  14. Mitchell'sCoop

    Can anyone help... not sure what they are

    The black one looks like an Australorp to me. And the tan one I would say a Buff Orphington as well. The other 2 I'm not sure but they do kinda look like EE like others said. I've never had any of them so I'm not sure. But the tan and black ones look just like my buff orphington and my australorps.
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