Recent content by mlabresh

  1. mlabresh

    My Pullet laid every day for a week and suddenly stopped

    So glad I popped in today. I'm having the same problem! Maybe it also has to do with the season changing? I have 6 black star chickens who were all hatched the same day. One or two of them had started laying and I was getting an egg a day for about two weeks. Then, I had to stop letting them...
  2. mlabresh

    chick feed shortage in our area.. HELP.

    well, luckily the feed store still had some so I went out and got some today. whew! so, how long do the chicks stay on chick starter? they're black star chicks that we're raising to be layer hens.
  3. mlabresh

    chick feed shortage in our area.. HELP.

    Thank you thank you! I do a little coffee mug of sand in there for them because I had bought some dried meal worms for them. If the feed store doesn't have what we need, I will head to the grocery store and get grains!
  4. mlabresh

    chick feed shortage in our area.. HELP.

    There seems to be a shortage on non-medicated chick starter. I went to get some from and they were out of stock, so I found some on Amazon, but after ordering was told it is on back order (this was after ordering far enough in advance to not run out before it got here). When...
  5. mlabresh

    When can baby chicks live outside?

    This thread has been very helpful! Thank you. My black stars are 5 weeks now and SO messy. They are nearly completely feathered out and, due to an accident with their heat lamp, they are without heat now and doing fine. I have been wanting to move them out to their coop, but worried because all...
  6. mlabresh

    Dogs and Chicks....

    I have 3 boxers. We have a 3.5yr male, a 2.5yr old female, and a 4mo male. And we have 6 3 week old black sex links. Lucy has previously hunted mice, so I was concerned about her around the chicks. Bear (3yo) is new to our family and I worried how he would react as well. So far, Lucy has...
  7. mlabresh

    concrete in run?

    Thanks everyone! This is super helpful. I think I could easily get some sand to put in there and we have LOTS of grass clippings from our huge yard that I could use as well. I think this plan may work better than I'd hoped! Maybe when we build a bigger coop, we'll use the same spot!
  8. mlabresh

    concrete in run?

    thank you! anyone else have any insight to having a concrete floored run and what the best material would be to put down in it? we will be adding wheels to the coop (making it a tractor.. sort of) so we will be able to roll it away for cleaning the run.
  9. mlabresh

    concrete in run?

    So we bought a coop. It likely won't be permanent, but it will get us started. It's a 4x6 coop that is raised with a run underneath. We have a concrete slab in our yard (it had a dog run on it at some point) and are considering putting the coop on there for the ease of not having to go to great...
  10. mlabresh

    buying a small coop to start

    Thanks! I was kind of thinking the same thing. If we go with the small one, it would buy us a little more time for designing and building our own. And I'm sure we could either sell or reuse it in some way (even just as a place to put them on cleaning day or for quarantine). We do live in town...
  11. mlabresh

    buying a small coop to start

    This is another that I considered... But I don't know the dimensions of it. Opinions?
  12. mlabresh

    buying a small coop to start

    Thank you! I was wondering about that. One of the things I was not crazy about with this design is that he has the nesting boxes inside. I didn't think that would be big enough for 6 either. He says 4x4 for up to 6 chickens or the 4x6 for 8-12. I don't think either would be big enough for as...
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