Recent content by Moonrisemama

  1. M

    Determining gender

  2. M

    Determining gender

    Maybe I'm just jumping the gun and excited!! My muscovies are not laying yet either; we are in British Columbia Canada. I see posts here and there with people and their waterfowl begining to lay and I'm chomping at the bit!
  3. M

    Determining gender

    Okay so, Freckles actually has a rather interesting way of life hahaha. They (as I'm now unsure of gender hahaha) live with our lone goat; they are a hilarious pair indeed! During the day, Freckles free ranges. But I know where they are at all times and follow around and nothing 😂😬🫠 I usually...
  4. M

    Determining gender

    When we had our pair, the other was the more boisterous and sassy acting of the two, constant neck noodling and acting fierce 😂 but, perhaps Miso was just more dominant..??? Freckles is quite shy
  5. M

    Determining gender

    I'm kind of just waiting and guessing at this point 😂😂
  6. M

    Determining gender

    @Goosebaby @JRies Here is Freckles in all their glory; we started doing supplements of all kinds and they are back up to their regular wonderful goosey self again!!! You guys were so helpful, I thought you may be able to weigh in on my next question 😬
  7. M

    Determining gender

    Hello! Me again. This is Freckles!! I was ADAMANT this goose of ours was a girl (how they acted, etc) but now that Spring is approaching and I am still not seeing any eggs.. I am wondering 🤣 they are an Embden cross. Hatched April last year. I will try to get a video of them making noise at...
  8. M

    Possible emergency;

    So do you think if I got a higher protein feed like game bird, and supplemented niacin (brewers yeast or nutritional) that could work well? @Goosebaby what do you think! My chickens eat the seeds no problem, but I wonder about geese (and ducks for that matter lol)
  9. M

    Possible emergency;

    Hahaha - yes! Black oil sunflower seeds. They have a thin hull, and high oil/fat content! A lot of people leave them out for wild birds in winter, but I also get them for my chickens, and my goats love them as well (goats love everything though... Lol) Quote: high in protein, fiber, calcium...
  10. M

    Possible emergency;

    I'm thinking I may add some BOSS, I know they are good calories and iron, I also just read they are a good b complex too! She was not a fan of her soaked oats lol. Basically ate around them (because I tried to be sneaky and mix them into her feed 😂🥴
  11. M

    Possible emergency;

    I'm thinking I will keep up with peas; I know you guys mentioned oats and corn and things.. What kind of oats? I have easy access to black oil sunflower seeds as well if that could be of help!
  12. M

    Possible emergency;

    This would make sense ❤️ while she WAS eating (she still is) during her not feeling well bout she definitely was off, and not her usual self. And as I mentioned, she was interested in foraging but not really DOING so as she obviously wasn't feeling super well. I will keep up with supplements and...
  13. M

    Possible emergency;

    @Goosebaby any ideas?? She seems happy otherwise (also not how I usually feed her lol!! But it keeps her still got photos ) @JRies it's not warm at all here right now, so I can't imagine? It's autumn and quite cool now of course
  14. M

    Possible emergency;

    I DEFINITELY think there's some major growing going on too! She seems to be holding her wings as though they are heavy? NOT angel wing, just sort of holding them downward a bit (and not always, not dragging or anything crazy) I'll try to get a picture
  15. M

    Possible emergency;

    I FULLY considered bringing her in and setting her upstairs, in the spare bedroom! What a hilarious noise that would be every morning.
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