Recent content by My2GirlsRanch

  1. My2GirlsRanch


    Thanks for the info. So much to learn. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. My2GirlsRanch


    I don’t even know what types of chickens I want. But foe sure I’ll want a couple Easter Eggers. I love the colored eggs. Who lays speckled egg?
  3. My2GirlsRanch

    Hot Chick

    What part of the great state of TEXAS are you in?
  4. My2GirlsRanch

    Hot Chick

    Sorry fr the delay, I was hollerin for Granny:barnie
  5. My2GirlsRanch

    Reply to review by 'My2GirlsRanch' on item 'Australorp'

    They are beautiful 🤩
  6. My2GirlsRanch

    Hot Chick

    Good evening everyone. We retired and bought 7 acres in Hill County, Texas, built a Barndo and plan on having chickens! Cant wait get it all going. Of course I know ZERO about what I’m doing. Thanks in advance
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