Recent content by NJisBearCountry

  1. N

    5 week old Blue Copper Marans - Pullet or Cockerel?

    This sweet baby has been the bossiest and most curious of my current brood. They're my only blue copper Marans. I have a black copper Marans in with them whose comb is a little smaller and less pink and the other chicks are other breeds, so developing at different rates and obviously look...
  2. N

    Hen still not laying weeks after fox attack

    About 5.5 weeks ago, my flock was free ranging when they sadly witnessed a fox eviscerate their friend Gretchen in broad daylight while they yelled for help. I managed to get there to interrupt things soon enough to keep the rest of them safe and get them locked back up but they were all shaken...
  3. N

    Winterizing, is my coop/run big enough?

    Currently, 3/4 of the run roof is covered with a piece thick plywood we had available just to keep food dry but I can definitely cover the entire run roof as part of winterization and long term coop improvements. It sounds like covering the sides of the run aside from a bit at the top for...
  4. N

    Winterizing, is my coop/run big enough?

    I was planning on getting one of these guys and only using it when the temps are super super low (single digits, maybe low teens with bad wind): K&H PET PRODUCTS 100539711 Thermo-Chicken Heated Perch, 36 Inches, Black No heat lamps here! I want them to be generally...
  5. N

    Winterizing, is my coop/run big enough?

    Hello fine chicken people! I thought I did exhaustive research before renting chickens last year and then before selecting a coop this spring but it seems like my girls keep laughing at me and finding new ways to prove I only know about indoor mammal care. We have this coop and run...
  6. N

    Medicated or Non? Starter/Grower or Layer?

    I'm sure this has been covered exhaustively in previous threads. We just lost one of our two lovely Polish pullets this week to what we suspect may have been wasting due to a vitamin deficiency, based on the preliminary results from her necropsy. We have been feeding them medicated...
  7. N

    Is this curly toe paralysis?

    I could probably rig up a little chicken sling seat or even cart with wheels so she can propel herself with her good foot!
  8. N

    Is this curly toe paralysis?

    My 17 week old Polish pullet has been displaying some interesting symptoms for a couple of weeks now. She seems to be improving but isn't quite getting better. It started off with refusing to put any weight on her right foot. Her foot looked a little swollen so I did an epsom salt soak and...
  9. N

    Polish pullet or cockerel?

    We got a pair of 6 week old white crested black Polish pullets from My Pet Chicken back in June. They're 17 weeks old now and have become increasingly different in their looks and temperament. One is smaller, so sweet and docile and gentle and friendly. The other is significantly bigger, I'm...
  10. N

    New member intro

    Hi there! I've been lurking for a few weeks since getting my girls and finally signed up to join in the fun. We rented 4 chickens (Jersey Giant, Silkie/Ameracauna mix, 2 Easter eggers) from Rent the Chicken last summer and decided to set up a permanent coop this year. We got a pair of white...
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