Recent content by Patinas

  1. Patinas

    Comment by 'Patinas' in article 'Log Cabin / Cordwood Coop'

    Gorgeous coop! I love all the attention to the details and the bottles are fabulous!
  2. Patinas

    Review by 'Patinas' in article 'The "Mod" Coop'

    I am always impressed with people who put so much thought and planning into their coop/run builds! You have an awesome coop/setup for your time and planning! Really nice you included the detailed plan and the supply list too. Great job!
  3. Patinas


    It definitely takes time to build up the colonies. Temperature also affects the process. The worms and beetles like a warmer environment to develop and reproduce. I try to not let the temperature drop below 68 degrees in the heated small building I keep mine in. Colder room temperatures...
  4. Patinas


    I've definitely had a trial by fire with my meal worm endeavor!! The oil moat works excellent! When the mites decide to leave a bin, they climb out in huge numbers forming clusters that drop from the sides of the bins. Not only will they travel to other bins if they can, they also climb on...
  5. Patinas


    I use large plastic storage type bins that are about 8" deep. I keep the beetles and pupae in one bin and then every 2-3 months I strain out the beetles putting the substrate with the eggs and new worms into my worm bin. Sometimes I have two worm bins going. I then put the strained beetles...
  6. Patinas


    I've been raising meal worms since March and learned some hard lessons! I had a MEGA grain mite infestation that I finally have under control. So here's my best advice for beginners: 1. Use wheat bran for your substrate. I've tried using oatmeal but noticed they eat the wheat bran and...
  7. Patinas

    Any guess on what caused this loss??

    That seems like a lot of kills for one raccoon but it's possible. I agree that raccoons are very good with latches. The other possibility is a possum. If the latch wasn't secured, I've heard possums will kill everything in the coop and not eat on all of them. What doesn't sound right is the...
  8. Patinas

    These tiny bugs / mites are infesting my coop please help

    Another tip I've heard and have done in my coop is to apply boiled linseed oil to roost bars. I also applied it to the wood ladder that my hens use to get to the roost bars. My nest boxes are painted with latex paint on the interior and exterior so no linseed oil on them. They say the...
  9. Patinas

    Fertile Egg, no Rooster?

    I recently had an egg that looked just like that but I haven't had a rooster in the flock for a year. I too did a double take when I cracked it open. I store my eggs unwashed on the counter until used or sold but at the most, they may sit there for about a week.
  10. Patinas

    I reject your facts... Or, my how time changes opinions.

    I love this post! I've only had chickens for about a year and half and the information and differing opinions on what is good/bad for chickens is staggering! What I've learned is to just do your own independent research and come to your own logical/common sense conclusions on how you want to...
  11. Patinas

    Hawk Attack?

    @Reno Just to clarify...I would not shoot a hawk. For one thing...I think that's illegal and secondly, I don't have any desire to shoot any kind of bird. Coyotes on the other hand are considered nuisance animals and it's not illegal to shoot them... and they just give me the creeps!
  12. Patinas

    injured rooster without top beak and left eye covered in scab

    following too... I agree with @Wyorp Rock that hydration first, food second. Pictures will help. He may not be able to eat if the injury is that severe. Let's hope that's not the case! Poor guy!
  13. Patinas

    Hawk Attack?

    @Imthe1whoquacks Exactly! Now I am thinking I won't let them out for awhile. Makes me nervous. Problem for me is the weather is really nice these days and I always let them out when weather permits and they (the hens) know it. Maybe hubby's idea of a blind and injured rabbit call will work...
  14. Patinas

    Hawk Attack?

    UPDATE! I know what killed my was a coyote because it showed up early this evening! It's been a week since my hen was killed. I've been out of town so hens have been locked up for most of the week since she was killed but I know coyotes keep coming back as long as the food source...
  15. Patinas

    Hawk Attack?

    @Imthe1whoquacks Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure there are no foxes around but there are coyotes although I've never seen or heard one near the property. One time I found coyote scat on the road to our driveway so I know they are around and I have seen them in the fields in the valley...
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