Recent content by picklestheduck

  1. picklestheduck

    Five week old chick with twisted leg

    Ok sweet thank you so much! I just want to do right by my birds and give them the best chance possible. This has been a huge help thank you so so much!
  2. picklestheduck

    Five week old chick with twisted leg

    @Eggcessive if it were your bird would you let it grow up? It gets around alright and gets up and down the ramp morning and night… I just don’t want to to suffer. I mean it pushes through the rest of them to eat and drink still but 🤷‍♀️ my flock is honestly a bunch of misfits, and we just have...
  3. picklestheduck

    Five week old chick with twisted leg

    No idea what breed I was thinking maybe light brahma. I think there's already 2 other cockerels in the batch, but I wasn’t sure on the Brahmas. Ok perfect thanks.
  4. picklestheduck

    Five week old chick with twisted leg

    Hey everyone, I inherited some chicks from a school that hatched them a few weeks ago, and I can’t remember exactly when I noticed it but it was like suddenly one day it’s leg was twisted. Maybe it just hid it, but it had been in a crate for a brooder and I had watched them closely for a long...
  5. picklestheduck

    Chicks hatched at school- what breed do they look like?

    Hey, a friend of mine teaches and the school where she works hatched some chicks for educational purposes but the chicks now need a new home. I was offered them. Wondering what breed? My first thought was maybe light brahma but idk. Thoughts? Sorry for the poor quality picture it’s all I got
  6. picklestheduck

    Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?

    Yes ok great thank you! Yep I’m changing it daily as well as soaking and reapplying iodine. I have her in a dry crate in my garage since the run is so muddy 😖 I will try the sugardine thank you so much!
  7. picklestheduck

    Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?

    Thank you for the input! Right, for sure I had tweezers and pulled out as much as possible but its wide open now and it’s like seriously securely attacked I’ve gotten ahold of the yellow stuff and it like won’t budge. I’ll for sure get some prid thanks!
  8. picklestheduck

    Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?

    Ok so it was farther back than I thought. The first day I found the pus pocket was March 21 and I found it and started treatment again April 30- today May 3. First three pictures are from back in March, I cleaned and wrapped for a few days and she was fine after that. Fourth and fifth picture...
  9. picklestheduck

    Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?

    I’ve dealt with bumblefoot many times before but we are back with another case. This hen had a pus pocket on the top of her foot, it squeezed out like a pimple and I cleaned and wrapped it and after a few times of that it looked pretty much good (it was flat and no longer had an infected look...
  10. picklestheduck

    Respiratory Issues

    Do you have a flock at risk of catching what these birds have? I would say just give them back and seriously disinfect everything
  11. picklestheduck

    Sick duck- can I give her these antibiotics?

    Thank you for your help!! I decided to wait and just continue with the vitamins and electrolytes and the next morning there was an egg and she perked back up and she’s back with the flock acting normally
  12. picklestheduck

    Sick duck- can I give her these antibiotics?

    I have a Rouen duck that isn’t acting right tonight, walking slow, not super spunky. Usually she is very hard to catch and she was easy to scoop up tonight. No signs of physical injuries, doesn’t feel egg bound. I brought her up in a small kennel to monitor close by (in my garage) and she’s now...
  13. picklestheduck

    I’m doing alright. Been crazy round here lately. Lots to do and honestly have spent little time...

    I’m doing alright. Been crazy round here lately. Lots to do and honestly have spent little time online, which I’m honestly grateful for. Totally random but I’ve been realt wanting a 4 wheeler, and I’ve prayed about it, and waited and wanting to buy one and my dad brought this home for me...
  14. picklestheduck

    April Fool's Day 2023 | Introducing TudyBOT - Our New AI BYC Member

    @TudyBOT do chickens like red grapes or white grapes more
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