Redhead Rae's latest activity

  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    🎶Do you see what I see?🎶 25 of my Cornish eggs made it to lock down and 10 of my shipped eggs. One of my shipped eggs has pipped too...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae reacted to Molpet's post in the thread Official Squatch Watchers with Love Love.
    Toms found a fawn in the poultry yard. They ignored it once it got up. It looks bigger than it is because I was shooting uphill. About...
  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    Look what I nearly walked over this morning while taking the kiddos to feed the chickens. It’s well hydrated (ear tips aren’t curled) so...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Just candled my Cornish eggs, 11 of 37 of my eggs came up either infertile or early demises. 4 of them the eggsall came from one hen. I...
  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    The waters were raised. They just heeped the chips 6 inches high all around the waterers. Glad I doubled checked. ALL the chicks were...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    Sadly we had to remove the broodies from the coop with the chicks. One is a BC Maran and the other is a Wyandotte/Amerucana Olive egger...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae reacted to getaclue's post in the thread Official Squatch Watchers with Like Like.
    Thank you for the information about bad moms. I was blessed. When one of the hens in my coop hatched out an egg (only 1 hatched) she...
  • Redhead Rae
    I just set 51 LF Cornish eggs in my incubator! 37 eggs from my LF Dark and Jubilee (white/dark cross) Cornish, and 14 shipped LF White...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread double batching.
    I used to stagger hatch several years ago. I have a Brinsea Ovation 28 EX and a Brinsea Ovation 56 Eco. Once a week I would candle my...
  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    51 Cornish eggs in the incubator! I’ll probably only hatch two or three times this year rather than stagger hatching (setting eggs...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    I’ll send you a Facebook message.
  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    My LF White Cornish eggs came today! @Molpet I’ll have to try sending you eggs with this setup if you’re still interested in the Cornish.
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    There are different ways hens can be bad broodies. This one in particular just wanted to sit, and sit. She viciously pecked a baby that...
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  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae reacted to Molpet's post in the thread Official Squatch Watchers with Like Like.
    Bad broody makes good soup too. I usually have bad turkey broodies, but I have found people that just want a hen for their tom. So I...
  • Redhead Rae
    Redhead Rae replied to the thread Official Squatch Watchers.
    Well, there are only 24 babies this morning. One of the broodies let the three of the 8 babies we gave her die. She was also being mean...
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