Recent content by RLynch

  1. RLynch

    Red tail hawks are toying with me and terrorizing my flock!

    No paperwork required, trespassers will be shot. Once the hawk lands on that tree, harasses your flock, and stares you down a #7 bird shot shell in a 12 ga takes care of THAT problem. Then take some twine and string that bird upside down from that same tree branch. Other hawks WILL NOT return...
  2. RLynch

    Newbie Egg Questions

    We don't wash but simply rinse our eggs if they visually 'look' dirty. They stay on the counter until used and if we are not keeping up with the girls production we put them in a carton once there is a dozen, and the carton goes in the frig and numbered to keep the rotation. As far as your hard...
  3. RLynch

    Opossum Playing Dead

    A possum is a threat, I have no problem when they scrounge around our 5 acres for grubs and such, but once they approach our feral cats' food or enter the chickens protected area they are delt with quickly. I have run up on them at twlight and they have either run off or 'play dead'. When they...
  4. RLynch

    Composting chicken run

    To answer your question, yes you can. Chickens do a great job turning compost. I started with wood chips I had delivered from our electric utility company and their tree trimming contractor ( I use it for mulch and garden as well) for free. I put in about 12 inches deep 12'x18' area. That was...
  5. RLynch

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Well our 4 chicks came in the mail yesterday and they did fine in our adaptation of the MHP last night. Granted they are not outside since the coop is not complete or secure but they are in the garage. We used a piece of metalized bubble wrap called reflec-tex as a heat reflector and frame/roof...
  6. RLynch

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I work in a very technical field, electronics. Thanks for your answer but whatever site you saw that cold air sinks is true, partially. Hot air does rise, its called convection. It is why supercell storm clouds 'lift' to 50-60,000 ft in height. They don't do that because all the cool air around...
  7. RLynch

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I love this idea but I have a question. Wouldn't the heating pad work better if it were the floor of the cave since heat rises? You could always use towels to cover the top and hold the heat in. I am guessing that the pad on top is what attracts the chicks to climbing up there?
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