Recent content by rosaroca

  1. rosaroca

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I’m in Oklahoma City and have some Lemon Blue bantams I need to rehome
  2. rosaroca

    Oklahoma City Lemon Blue bantams FREE

    I have a week long horse show starting sept 9th and need to place a group of my pretty Lemon Blues My handicapped sister can’t get easily to the pen where they’re kept and I’m afraid she’ll fall if she tries. One LB rooster and 4 or 5 hens all need to find a new home immediately. They’re...
  3. rosaroca

    Help with sexing please

    Oklahoma City
  4. rosaroca

    Help with sexing please

    Thanks everyone! That’s what I thought but I was SO hoping I was wrong at least in the blue/red one. Guess I’ll be finding homes for these two
  5. rosaroca

    Help with sexing please

    Half maran half Easter Egger. Born mid April 2021
  6. rosaroca

    Speckled Sussex chick with wattles??

    GOOD NEWS! I finally got my hands on her (I’m a terrible chicken catcher) and it’s just a great big funky feather. No tumor, no abcess, no worries! Thanks everyone for your assistance!
  7. rosaroca

    Speckled Sussex chick with wattles??

    Also what their sitting on is their hearing plate. I can wipe it off twice a day and it’s still speckled with chick poop 5 minutes later. They LOVE standing on top of it.
  8. rosaroca

    Speckled Sussex chick with wattles??

    It looks like a puffy white feather sticking out and down from her face. And the pen was cleaned yesterday but when I leaned in to video them they dumped over their feeder and their chick starter spilled all over the sand/shavings mixture it’s bedded with.
  9. rosaroca

    Speckled Sussex chick with wattles??

    Hi all. I picked up two speckled Sussex pullets (hopefully!) from TSC but one has something on the left side of her face. Doesn’t seem to bother her and she eats and runs around just like the other 8 chicks in the indoor pen Any idea what this is and should I be concerned about it? I’m pretty...
  10. rosaroca

    Help sexing Easter Eggers

    These were hatched early October 2020. I’m pretty sure the first two are cockerels but are the black one and the black and white one pullets?
  11. rosaroca

    Splay legged chick

    Thanks! I’ll do that. I’ve been giving him a few drops of diluted Nutradrench too which is probably helping.
  12. rosaroca

    Splay legged chick

    I had a very splaunlefged chicknhatch yesterday morning and immediately came here to find a way to help him Well the hobbles and setting him in a cup with soft footing under him worked! He can walk now and seems much better. But he’s still a bit splay legged. Should I put on new hobbles or...
  13. rosaroca

    Bantam cochin color help

    These two from my LB hen and new LB rooster are only a few days old. And the second pic is also from the same pair and about 3 weeks old. That’s all the chicks so far. The little hen was only laying every 2 to 3 days and a few of the eggs weren’t fertilized. But my new rooster is still young so...
  14. rosaroca

    Bantam cochin color help

    Thanks! Hopefully at least a couple of his four chicks will turn out nice and be pullets I can cross with my other rooster. And hopefully some of the 3 chicks I’ve hatched so far from my hen and my new rooster will be pullets to cross to this guy. I want to have at least 3 breeding groups in...
  15. rosaroca

    Bantam cochin color help

    I took pics of both and now think the rooster is actually a Lemon Blue just darker than my last one was. His hackles have lightened up since j put him in his own pen. The second picture is the hen who has a new boyfriend Now
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