Recent content by Sassy07

  1. Sassy07

    Converting metal shed to chicken coop help

    I would also make sure to seal the bottom up well when mounting it to the base. We neglected that and now I'm fighting moisture issues in the bottom. Waiting for the weather to clear up and then I'm going to have to empty it out, clean it and seal it.
  2. Sassy07

    Converting metal shed to chicken coop help

    Placed vertical vents in mine as the panels run vertical to keep the structure as intact as possible. I had to cut across one of those ridges for the pop door and it definitely takes away from the stability of the wall. For our base we framed out a floor like you would for any shed with...
  3. Sassy07

    Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs

    Has anyone noticed that eggs layed by specific hens peel better than others? I know older eggs tend to peel better period, but we eat so many eggs sometimes that is not an option. I have 4 EE hens. 2 lay blue (different shades), 1 olive and 1 brown. The brown eggs always peel super easy and are...
  4. Sassy07

    Chickens digging

    I put pavers on both the inside and outside
  5. Sassy07

    Making the coop/run area pretty - show me what you’ve done

    It’s going to get garden beds put around it and a stone path to the door. The decor will build up I’m sure. I already have a Halloween stash for it. Plan to grow some vines next year as well.
  6. Sassy07

    Need Advice/Suggestions

    They have been on layer feed for about 2 weeks. They have access to both oyster shell and crushed egg shells. I've been told this is somewhat normal for a new, young layer, I am just trying to figure out now if I have two with the same problem or one trying to work herself out. About 2 hours...
  7. Sassy07

    Need Advice/Suggestions

    I have 4 Easter Egger hens that are 18 weeks + 1 day today. I got my first egg last Thursday. I found it in the run in the afternoon. I found the next one on Sunday morning in the coop in the middle of the floor and it was completely shell-less. This morning there were 2 eggs that were laid...
  8. Sassy07

    First egg from my Amerucana - x2!

    I just got my first egg two days ago and a shell-less one today. Hoping for another regular tomorrow. Did you crochet your egg basket? I would love to purchase the pattern for it
  9. Sassy07

    My First Egg!

    I’m so excited! And wasn't expecting anything for a couple weeks still!
  10. Sassy07

    Roosting on tray instead of roost bar

    One of my four literally roosts anywhere but the bar. I just let her go. At least yours has her butt aimed in the right direction!
  11. Sassy07

    Chicken poop when you don’t compost

    I only have 4 birds. I've been burying it in my unused garden bed, but I have also scooped it and thrown it out like you would kitty litter scoopings. It's not a very large amount at all.
  12. Sassy07

    Chicks available - St.Louis, MO

    I have 6 - 2 week old easter egger chicks available just south of St. Louis (Jefferson County), MO. They were purchased sexed as pullets.
  13. Sassy07

    The Great Debate: Free-Range vs. Coop-Raised Chickens

    I think it depends on your meaning of free range. I will tell you I free range mine most days, however, for me that is my backyard which is approximately 0.25 acre not counting the square footage of the pool. We do have hawks, eagles, racoons and coyotes that I know of. Racoons and coyotes only...
  14. Sassy07

    Attaching hardware cloth to wood with stapler gun?

    I am currently remodeling an old rabbit hutch (probably about 6 years old) and when I built it I used both poultry staples, hammered in, and a handheld staple gun. This hutch held up to multiple racoons in the past. I noticed: 1) Those poultry staples are NOT ever coming out, even though I want...
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