9 Nankin chicks hatched from Simone! All 10 eggs developed but one chick suffocated while hatching and another one I had to kill because it had a knob on its butt, like it wouldn't have been able to poop. I'm going to get some more eggs from another breeder and hopefully in less than a year I will be able to start my SOP bred Nankin breeding project.
Have tons of birds availabl!
3 gold Deathlayer pairs $100 each or $250 all. 3 month old
1 silver Deathlayer pair $100 4 month old
7 cemani chicks $120 indo cemani out of 3 pens
5 Deathlayer chicks $100
pavlovskaya juveniles gold and pumpkin $25, not quite sure about sex yet.
2 Dutch booted bantams $12 each
all can be shipped Npip/AI Florida
I know it's late in the year, but I'm trying to get a jump on Deathlayer chicks or eggs for Spring. I live in North Mississippi. All of our mail goes through Memphis. They are particularly hard on hatching eggs even though that's what I would prefer to do. Is there a way to ship the eggs other than priority mail that may be easier on the shipment, or a way to mark the package as more than just fragile?
Hello, I am interested in the Pavlovskaya eggs and also the white or mottled Araucanas. Are you getting any eggs of those at all? I have a hen just going broody and hope to get eggs ASAP!! I saw your auction for the Pav eggs but wondered if you could send 3or 4 of the Araucana eggs and the rest the Pavs. (or Svart Hona if no white or mottled Araucanas)