Recent content by slbenter

  1. slbenter

    All my chicks are dead

    I hate to post this. I had 11 chicks in my "chicken room". with the door always closed because I have 2 dogs that don't know about them. But....i also have a guest room, that connects to a bathroom, that connects to the room that the chicks were in. I has a bug spray yesterday, and I told the...
  2. slbenter

    Favorite Hatcheries/ Least favorite Hatcheries? Opintions?

    I ordered 11 chicks from My Pet Chicken, and although 3 died in transit, I loved their customer service. Unfortunately the 3 that died, I thought were Salmon faverolles, they were out of them to send me more, so I bought the replacements from Cackle hatchery. They sent me 3 females and one...
  3. slbenter

    chicks seemingly in distress

    That's an idea....I'll try that, cuz she was quiet but started up again. Thanks.
  4. slbenter

    chicks seemingly in distress

    No, they're all under the plate. I was afraid the one crying was being squished, or something...but when I turned on the light, they all became quiet. Actually, the crier just became quiet. Thanks for your suggestion. It's been a long time since I've had chicks...4 years now. Guess I'm not used...
  5. slbenter

    chicks seemingly in distress

    Hi, I'm an old member, but just recently got some new chicks after a 1 year hiatus. I have 8 chicks, just brought them home today. They're in a playpen brooder, with food, water, and a brooder plate. Temps are good, they've figured out the nipple waterer, and have everything they need. My...
  6. slbenter

    I now officially feel sorry for everyone where it freezes regularly!!

    We moved from where I was born and raised, southern California, about a year and a half ago. Last winter it was normal, but right now we're in the middle of that cold's all of 13 degrees and the sleet has turned to slick ice here in N. Tennessee. I actually love it here, and the only...
  7. slbenter

    How many CALORIES are in chicken poop?

    I was afraid to open this thread. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  8. slbenter

    First time molting

    Hello all 'chicken crazy' folks. Seems like fall is upon us soon, and I'm curious. My chicks hatched July 8th....they're only 2 months old. They are fully feathered except for one BCM cockerel, who seems to be small and very slow feathering. He still has some down on his back. I was under the...
  9. slbenter

    How do I evacuate my chickens

    Prayers for you and your entire family. Don't know where you are, but I'm born and raised in California and we "evacuated" from fires a few times throughout my lifetime. Last year, we had enough and evacuated the state...crazy politics, high taxes and unending regulations drove us right out...
  10. slbenter

    Do they look almost fully feathered?

    I must make a confession. The chicks I hatched July 8th, went straight into the coop from the brinsea. Had an Eco Glow plugged in for them, pine shavings down, chick feed and fresh water. All 14 were happy, healthy, and everyone survived just fine. They are all just about 8weeks old, they look...
  11. slbenter

    Can this marriage be saved?

    My chickens are still young (9 weeks). They have a covered run, and anytime access to the coop. I feed them in the run, but there are 2~ 5 gal. nipple waterers. One in the run and one in the coop. They don't stay in the run all day, they travel in between. If I surprise them and go in the coop...
  12. slbenter

    Learning coop/run shedule

    I suppose we could disconnect the battery that runs it, but I don't think there's a button or anything that just turns it off. It really isn't a big deal for me. We are always home in the evening, so it's no big deal for me to just go out there with the flashlight. Pretty soon my husband will...
  13. slbenter

    Learning coop/run shedule

    Mine are about halfway feathered out. I have seen one BCM pant, but only for a moment. I keep replacing their water a couple times each day from our well water's nice and cool. They've just started enjoying some fresh herbs, one of which is mint that I grow, and also some...
  14. slbenter

    Learning coop/run shedule

    Thank you so much for this! It makes sense that they'd huddle outside in the run, because they stay next to the most light. The run is indeed lighter than inside the coop. Ours has an electric source built close to it, but my husband has yet to wire it into the coop itself. These chicks have...
  15. slbenter

    Learning coop/run shedule

    Hello chicklovers. I thought I'd share what my new chicks have taught me about themselves. They are almost 4 weeks old and doing very well in their coop and covered run. It's hot and humid here in N.W. Tennessee. We have 14 chicks of various breeds, BCM, RLW, Colombian Deleware, Deleware, EE...
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