Recent content by Sneakyturtle

  1. Sneakyturtle

    Anyone use dummy fake eggs to get an Emu to sit?

    I have seen a post on an emu facebook page where someone bought large wooden eggs and painted them the color of emu eggs and that worked.
  2. Sneakyturtle

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    I put 3 in on 1/17 and 3 in on 2/2. They could be any colors, 3 are from my blonde pair and 3 are from a breeder's blonde/white pen. Last year most of the eggs I hatched hatched around day 50-53.
  3. Sneakyturtle

    2023/2024 Emu Hatch-A-Long

    I have 6 eggs in the incubator. 3 from my own emus and 3 from a breeder. I have only found four eggs from my own emus and one was stinky so I didn’t try to hatch that one. The eggs went in the incubator in mid January, so it’ll be awhile before they hatch. My emus live in a 2.5 acre pasture and...
  4. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    It’s hard to tell until they get further along. Weight loss seems good. I think the earliest I saw one wiggle was about 35 days or so.
  5. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Here is a pic from yesterday of some of them! I posted a picture or two of emu babies in the emu hatchalong thread that Pyxis started last year.
  6. Sneakyturtle

    Emu sitting on eggs

    My emus live in a 2.5 acre pasture and I have gotten busy lately and wasn't checking for eggs as much as I should have. Its currently 7 degrees where I live and my partner was going around checking on all the emus and couldn't find my oldest male. He found him hidden in a patch of tall grass...
  7. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Yes, they actually did! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been active on here in awhile. I ended up getting about 10 emu eggs from various places last year and 8 hatched. Here are the breeders I got shipped viable eggs from: From Ebay: -kalifornsky -emufolks -juaoter0 Facebook: -Warbirds...
  8. Sneakyturtle

    Mandarin Ducks Ducklings

    If you ship I’d be interested in two males. I have too many females and breeders around me are sold out right now. I live in kentucky.
  9. Sneakyturtle

    Emu Feed Mix

    If you have Facebook, join the emu owners group. I have seen some threads about this over there. I don’t mix my own, I just feed mazuri maintenance and kalmbach breeder/grower.
  10. Sneakyturtle

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    I saw this video on YouTube of how to vent sex an emu chick:
  11. Sneakyturtle

    2022/2023 Emu Hatch-a-Long

    Hatched a white baby two days ago from a shipped egg!
  12. Sneakyturtle

    Goose eggs pip to zip

    2 out of 6, so not great, but they were shipped and it was my first time hatching geese so I’m okay with it.
  13. Sneakyturtle

    Goose eggs pip to zip

    I am hatching goose eggs for the first time and I was wondering how long it generally takes from pip to zip? I have one egg that pipped about 24 hours ago and it hasn't started zipping yet. Today is day 28.
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