Recent content by springvalley123

  1. springvalley123

    Pullets And Cockerel Sleeping the nesting box.

    How old are these young birds, and is there a picture? Birds will naturally roost/sleep where they're used to, so they're simply trying to sleep in their usual spot, which for some crazy reason, the mean human blocked off...
  2. springvalley123

    Overhead protection netting question

    Technically the OP is not doing a 24 ft long slope and putting the 8 foot pole at one end. But, they're doing a 12 foot run and a 2 foot rise. so take the square root of (144 + 4) and double that. It's twice as steep of an angle. Yet, they get two hypotenuses, each 12.17, which is somehow...
  3. springvalley123

    Hot summer, over 100F. Okay for chicken brooder?

    It's probably already in this thread, but baby chicks can't tolerate ANY amount of hotter than the target. For day olds, they can't handle the heat. Remember they only need to be able to get AS WARM AS for as long as they want, they must be able to get much cooler. I once hoped my Andalusians...
  4. springvalley123

    Male runner ducks pecking each others necks

    It's mating season. There must be a duck (which is a female) around, maybe nearby. Even if you are sure there isn't a female nearby that you're aware of, you need to separate them or it'll keep happening.
  5. springvalley123

    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    I've used that on sheets of plywood both flat and sloped like a roof should be, it worked fine.
  6. springvalley123

    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    I've cut the tin metal roofing sheets with tin snips, yes it leaves sharp edges. I think the poly carbonate roofs (see link below) cut with a table saw, circular saw, etc but probably a right and very wrong way to do it. For all of them, use the recommended washer/foam type screws, and...
  7. springvalley123

    Arizona Chickens

    Now that I'm in the Valley, I only have coturnix quail. They've been panting a bit. I'm using a small cottage cheese tub half filled with ice, dumped onto a plant pot tray. They took right to it. When I had chickens I used trays similar to what you have, plus some smaller/shallower. But I just...
  8. springvalley123

    Please help; hatchery fiasco…10 unknown chicks!!

    Well I did have one white leghorn from Ideal that took FOREVER to get a big floppy comb--so much so I thought I had an easter egger! I had a male silver phoenix with an assortment once, they should be smaller than the leghorn, not the other way around. Could she just be a runt, or bantam silver...
  9. springvalley123

    The Egg Song

    I agree. It's hard to recognize the difference between egg song and the alarm even having heard both of them. Almost a feeling.
  10. springvalley123

    Will it be ok to block the rafters off in my coop with chicken wire?

    Having observed my chickens over the years, they often use the blocks/stairs to get up onto the roost, but never to get down. So it'd have to be a ramp, but a ramp long enough to get all the way up, might not fit in that coop.
  11. springvalley123

    How big should the "enclosed" portion of an outdoor quail pen be?

    FWIW, I'm a newer quail owner, after having flocks of chickens and ducks for several years. My 6 jumbo coturnix females, ready to lay any time now, are in a 12 sq ft (26 inch by 6 ft) outdoor cage/pen. No wire floor, just peat moss, dirt, and pine pellets. I give it a once over daily. They're...
  12. springvalley123

    Will it be ok to block the rafters off in my coop with chicken wire?

    I haven't tried to block with anything but shade cloth (which is highly visible). But, chicken wire gives. I imagine they'll try to roost, hit their head on the chicken wire, and eventually give up and go roost on the next highest place. The only other choices other than chicken wire, would be...
  13. springvalley123

    Moving Chicks Outside

    I used to have a brooder plate (it failed with no indication or warning though). There should be two settings: Horizontal, if your chicks can all fit under it, would be low wattage, I think 40W. Vertical, works like a space heater, using 400 watts, almost as much (or more) than brooder heat...
  14. springvalley123

    Duck panting and over heating

    You could also get a lower wattage bulb. Does the duckling have a flockmate?
  15. springvalley123

    Rodent Repellent??

    If it's the .5% peppermint oil it should be fine. I haven't used it. I have successfully used my own mix of essential oils: mint, cedar, rosemary, cinnamon. Not necessarily all at once, but at least get the mint and/or cedar. It has worked to deter the return of some rodent that previously...
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