Recent content by SwimingWithTheGeese

  1. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    So sorry for your loss, we have her sitting in the living room and have a heat lamp high above her and we give her a mush of the chicken feed egg, yogurt and spices. We’ll get so electrolytes soon and check her for wounds. Thank you so much for the advice!
  2. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Hen got attacked by a bobcat

    Hello all, my lovely hen recently got attacked by a bobcat but was saved thankfully but this morning she’s not doing too good, she’s sitting with her head down and eyes closed and it seems like she’s doing everything to just every breath, she has a couple big spots where her feathers were...
  3. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Any goslings as a friend?!

    perhaps! But I’m not sure because it would be a very long journey and could be stressful for the goose :( but you could do some research? I’ll try to do some too.
  4. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Any goslings as a friend?!

    Oh no! I live all the way I South Bay san Francisco :(
  5. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Any goslings as a friend?!

    Oh! Perhaps you could make on ad on Craiglist or another nice place is the Nextdoor, maybe I could even take one? good luck!:)
  6. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Any goslings as a friend?!

    I was thinking of metzer farms and Mcmurray, I’ve checked both and they both charge a fee for the small order and it adds up very quickly and gets rather expensive, I’ve already spent a lot of money on my birds this year and not ready for more expensive purchases for my bird.☹
  7. SwimingWithTheGeese

    Any goslings as a friend?!

    Hello all, I recently got a female goose for my male not that long ago, unfortunately something made him die unexpectedly, none of our other birds have had this, but now out female is alone!☹ I don’t know if she could stay alone or not, but I’m thinking of getting one gosling to raise with our...
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