Recent content by whistlin dixie

  1. whistlin dixie

    My rooster isnt crowing???

    This is my first time with chickens. I have a New Hampshire red rooster. The 4 hens i got at the same time are about to lay eggs in September (I say that because I dont remember how many months old my chickens are) Anyways shouldnt he be crowing by now? He is a big hefty looking roo full...
  2. whistlin dixie

    Could she be a he?

    I bought 6 baby chicks from the country store. Two are New Hampshire Reds. Out of all 6 chicks one is different. This New hamshire has a red comb thingy in the top of his head and under it's chin, the other New hampshire doesnt have this, they are the same age. There is no crowing but I was...
  3. whistlin dixie

    Rabbit pulling out fur

    I woke up to find my minilop in her cage with alot of white fur all over her cage. I heard they do this to make a nest if they are going to have bunnies but she does not have a boyfriend, she has been hanging out with the chickens but other than that nothing. Anyone know why?
  4. whistlin dixie

    Everyone should try this

    I put my pet rabbit out with the chickens. They are so natural together, they all lay together and seem perfectly happy, and my poor bunny doesnt have to live in a little wire cage for the rest of her life. If you have a pet rabbit or even some meat rabbits Im sure they would love some freedom.
  5. whistlin dixie

    Rabbit drama, need advice

    Ok here is the situation: I have 5 hens and one rabbit (female-I think mini lop) they all live in the coop and have a little fenced in yard. I just caught my do with a tiny little baby bunny (a wild one) I cant put it back in the yard because of the dogs, so i put it in the coop under the...
  6. whistlin dixie

    Questions about feathers

    I have an americana 8 week or so old chicken, I use to have two, one flew the coop and my dog killed her, now the other one has been flying over my fence. I cant make a higher fence anytime soon so I wanted to know about clipping her feathers so I need help. Does this hurt the chicken? Are there...
  7. whistlin dixie

    What do you think?

    Ok, I dont have any roosters so I dont think it will be a problem. I have already successfully put the bunny in with the chickens, so far so good. Now my next question is I want to get another bunny to put out there with my girl mini lop, but I heard that you shouldnt put two rabbits together...
  8. whistlin dixie

    What do you think?

    I have a nice roomy coop for my 6 hens, a nice size fenced in chicken yard. I wanted to put my pet mini lop rabbit out there with the hens so she can run around a little, she is gentle and sweet, I hate to have her caged. Does anyone see a problem with this?
  9. whistlin dixie

    Can I use this instead...

    grass clippings instead of straw or pine shavings on the floor of my dirt floored coop?
  10. whistlin dixie

    Dagnabbit!!!! education before birds is a must

    I am a noob, and I didnt get scared, I got offended.
  11. whistlin dixie

    What are they doing?

    I have 6 week olds who have just got their feathers all in, they seem to be sticking their heads into them and doing something to their feathers alot, I was just wondering what it was they seem so busy doing.
  12. whistlin dixie

    Dagnabbit!!!! education before birds is a must

    If your getting that upset about someone else's chickens then maybe you should check out the backyard psyco forum. I think you have an ugly hatefull judgemental attitude and need to get over yourself. By the way, I have 6-6 week old chicks in my basement and my coop is not even set up. What a...
  13. whistlin dixie

    What is a guinea good for?

    I know, I feel like Im missing out on something:/
  14. whistlin dixie

    What is a guinea good for?

    are they usefull for anything? Forgive my ignorence, I just dont know anything about them, they look cute and I know alot of people have them, so I was wondering what they did with them?
  15. whistlin dixie

    What do you think?

    Clip the wings huh? Can I do this myself? I dont want to hurt them, My girls are about 3-4 weeks old now. I have neighbors on both sides of me and they both have large dogs, I dont want my chicks to be able to fly over the fence and I really dont want to keep them too confined. Did I really...
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