Reviews by Frizzlett98


Super Admin
Pros: Ok layer, good broody, nice personality, sweet and CUTE!
Cons: Hard to break unwanted broodiness, difficult to sex.
I only have 1 Silkie. Binky is a white Silkie who is currently broody. She was a life saver when my incubator started acting up. I put the eggs from it under her and although the incubator killed the chicks, she was determined to be a mommy. She laid about every other day, sometimes 2 days in a row. She is very difficult to break broodiness so I gave in and gave her an egg which hasn't developed. Infertile I'm guessing. I had another Silkie "hen" that actually turned out to be a rooster when he did the mating dance to one of my hens. Very disappointing but I love my Binky! She super sweet and very protective of her nest.


Super Admin
Pros: People friendly, ok layer.
Cons: Can be agressive.
I only have 1 Production Red named Jojo so I can only review from what she's been like. She started laying around 22-25 weeks old and I got around 5 eggs from her and she quit. Her eggs were round which was ok since she was a new layer. Around 2 weeks later she started back and again with round eggs. Like seriously, a perfect circle. A bit hard to squeeze in an egg carton. She is a little aggressive. She picks on newer chickens even after they've been there for weeks. She tried to pick a fight with my Buff Orpington rooster... big mistake. She has a nice personality (towards people and chickens she knows well), really curious but I'd rather stick with Red Sex Links. She's not going anywhere though. ;)
Pros: Excellent layers and very sweet.
Cons: None :)
I have Red Sex Link named Dove who laid for over 2 weeks straight with no days missed. All of my Reds are great layers. They are so sweet and walk all over my feet when I'm in the pen with them. They're so curious and talk to me when I say something to them. (Shh! Don't tell but they're nicer than my Cochins!) Once my pullets started laying, they became very social with people. Before they lay, they would run and squawk if you tried to catch them. It's happened with my RSLs, Barred Rock, Production Red, Tetra Tints and hopefully, my Cochin lol. Love love LOVE them!


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet and just the cutest little birds!
Cons: Muddy feet but easily overlooked if you love them!
I have a frizzle Cochin named Iggy. She doesn't run up to be petted like other Cochins but she's so curious and funny. She talks to you when you hold her and say her name. I also have a calico Cochin rooster named Teddy. He has a great interest in big hens instead of sticking to a bantam like himself. And last of all Razzle the frazzle Cochin rooster. He was mean until his 2 brothers were sold and now he's so calm. He sleeps on the ground with 4 baby ducks instead of on the roost with the other chickens. No meanness in him any more. So Iggy hasn't laid yet and is around 30 weeks old so... any day would be nice. I'll love her even if she never lays an egg. Cochins are sooo hard to find in SW Virginia, especially hens, so we treasure our Cochins. <3 Can't wait until we hatch some in the Spring.
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