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Sapphire Gem (Dominate Blue D 107)

The Sapphire Gem is a sex-linked hybrid created by a breeder in the Czech Republic. It is a hybrid that contains the Dominate Blue gene and is known for being a good layer.

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Excellent - 290/year
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Colors/Varieties
The Sapphire Gem is a sex-linked hybrid created by a breeder in the Czech Republic. It is a hybrid that contains the Dominate Blue gene and is known for being a good layer of large brown eggs. They do best in warmer climates and are close to the Old Andalusians.

The Dominate Blue gene:
This gene is the, "Result of crossing synthetic original paternal stock Blue Plymouth Rock with Barred Plymouth Rock maternal stock," ( the resulted chick is sex-linked and can be identified by males having a white head spot and barring, while females have absence of a head spot, no barring, and are darker.

Latest reviews

GET THIS BREED NOW!!! You will not regret it.
Pros: Friendly, beautiful plumage, awesome layers, kind roosters, cuddly
Cons: none
I can't stress enough for you to get this breed!
They are literally the most sweetest breed ever. My hen Gert is a very big chicken, has stocky legs and feet, and lays huge eggs. My rooster Ledo.....The most cuddly rooster in town. He loved to cuddle as a baby, and still to this day he will jump up on my back. He is so darn heavy, you could probably use these as a dual purpose breed if you had to, looks like they got a bunch of meat on them (although I would never use my chickens for meat.) Great beginner breed. 10/10 recommend. Just before you get them keep in mind that females are dark gray and males are light gray with a white spot on their head. Tractor Supply sorted them wrong when I got my two. Light colored roos were in with females.

Purchase Price
I think it was around $2 - $4 probably
Purchase Date
March of 2022
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Callender Girl
Callender Girl
My first Czech girls were Sapphire Gems. I liked them so much that I added other Czech breeds -- Sapphire Splashes, Sapphire Olive Eggers and Calico Princesses. But, the Gems were the queens! Thanks for sharing your review of these beauties!
Sapphire gems r gems!
Pros: Awsome layers
cool color
Cons: i couldn't think of any!
I love this breed, they rock! I recomend them 4 kids, and newcomers.
Glad to see all the pros I have 3- 1 week old chicks hopefully all girls.
Sapphire Gems are Absolute Jewels!
Pros: happy hens
lay many eggs each day
very nice
Cons: can peck you
sometimes will be a bad hen
nothing else
I bought some sapphire gem pullets at TSC's Hoover's Hatchery. All ten survived well. they are still living to this day (well, other than one bird brain who went into the dog kennel and was attacked while we were not at home :().My hens are laying eggs and only take a short break in winter, but are excelent layers. I have such good hens, I wrote a poem for their pros and cons!
Purchase Price
$43 for 10 sexed pullets (I think it was around there, I don't remember prices after a few months)
Purchase Date
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Thx 4 the like!
Shabby Chic-Hens
Shabby Chic-Hens
Sorry, I don’t exactly understand …


Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
They don't breed true in color.
But, even the original show strains of blue plymouth rocks don't breed true in color.
They give 50% blue, 25% splash and 25% black.
Also, the original blue plymouth rock must have bright yellow legs.

Look at the official site of the dominant blue d 107, to understand more.
Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
Dominant CZ is a trustworthy company and they sell f1 crosses of plymouth rocks. They sell columbian, blue sex linked and black sex linked. O N L Y the columbian breeds true in color. The others are created from different colors of the same breed in order to be color sex linked at hatch.
Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
For columbian look at this

For blue sex linked look at this

For black sex linked look at this
Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
They are a bit smaller in comparison to the heritage ones.
But smaller size means smaller appetite and less feed consumed.
They are also bred for an optimum and an excellent egg production, even through winters and for a very good egg size and long circles of laying.
Give them the right feed and they will be your best layers.
Do they breed true? In other words, when you breed a male and female together, are the chicks sex-links too? OR do you have to mix two colors, or breeds to continue with the sex-link chicks?
The blue SL lays pinkish/reddish brown eggs. The black SL lays commercial brown eggs. The Columbian lays light creamy tinted brown eggs.

Sometimes their eggs are speckled.
I reluctantly acquired a pair of Sapphire Blue pullets (always shop by yourself at a feed store), and the 5-week-old girls are lovely. Like my previous brooded babies, Vanna and Petra scream bloody murder when I life them out of the brooder. Unlike my others, they both then delight in perching on my hands and arms like the parakeets my family had when I was a child. They are beautiful and I am hoping they thrive during the cold Iowa winter.
I reluctantly acquired a pair of Sapphire Blue pullets (always shop by yourself at a feed store), and the 5-week-old girls are lovely. Like my previous brooded babies, Vanna and Petra scream bloody murder when I life them out of the brooder. Unlike my others, they both then delight in perching on my hands and arms like the parakeets my family had when I was a child. They are beautiful and I am hoping they thrive during the cold Iowa winter.
They won't have any provlem. They are plymouth rocks. So, they are hardy.
I ordered an assortment of "rare" chicks which the hatchery did not identify. Someone suggested that this pullet might be a Sapphire Gem. This photo is at 3 months. Her head and neck are black shading into a grey body. As she gets older there is a lace pattern on the feathers but it is grey and a darker grey. She has a red face much of the time. Her feet are black/dark grey with yellow skin underneath. She is curious but quite docile compared to the other pullets her age of other breeds. Could you help me identify her? If she isn't a Sapphire could you confirm and perhaps suggest what she might be? Thanks for any advice!


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I ordered an assortment of "rare" chicks which the hatchery did not identify. Someone suggested that this pullet might be a Sapphire Gem. This photo is at 3 months. Her head and neck are black shading into a grey body. As she gets older there is a lace pattern on the feathers but it is grey and a darker grey. She has a red face much of the time. Her feet are black/dark grey with yellow skin underneath. She is curious but quite docile compared to the other pullets her age of other breeds. Could you help me identify her? If she isn't a Sapphire could you confirm and perhaps suggest what she might be? Thanks for any advice!
She is a hybrid of dominant CZ, I don't know if she is d 107 or d 187.
Anyone know if the "Blue Sapphire" sold by Jenks out here on the Left coast is this breed? Regardless, anyone have experience with them?
Mine have no trouble flying up to m yhead height (5 ft tall) though thankfully they haven't started roosting ON our 5 ft fence... I sure hope they don't because if they do my dogs will get them :(. I have 7 Sapphire Gem hens and one Salmon Faverolle hen. They JUST started laying eggs, and I haven't figure out which is which yet but the two general colors of eggs I'm seeing are a light pinkish mild tan (cream with pink tinge?) and then a light brown. So far the brown eggs we've received have all generally varied in shade, but the pinkish one is consistent. I think the light brown are our Sapphire Gems and the pink/cream color is our Faverolle.

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