
Little Giant Still Air Incubator 9200

The Little Giant Still Air Incubator is made of durable styrofoam to help retain warmth and keep...
New incubators
Pros: Received 2 incubators with egg turners as a Christmas gift, set both up and ran them 3 days prior to setting eggs, after 3 days both quit.
Cons: Received 2 incubators with egg turners as a Christmas gift, set both up and ran them 3 days prior to setting eggs, after 3 days both quit. Called Little Giant for technical help, No response, no customer support.
Received 2 incubators with egg turners as a Christmas gift, set both up and ran them 3 days prior to setting eggs, after 3 days both quit. Called Little Giant for technical help, No response, no customer support. Would not recommend!
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little giant still egg incubator
Pros: price
Cons: none
This incubator is a sill air incubator with no fan i set 12 duck eggs hatched 11 next i set 30 chicken eggs mixed and hatched 26 in my opinion this is the best incubator i have ever used turn the eggs three to five times a day keep water in it i added extra small bowl of water inside the last week and have always had a successful hatch rate also kept my temp set at 101.8 no turner
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Pros: Love the large size and easy setup
Cons: Uneven heat for me, had to tape the sides to keep heat in.
I still use this incubator a lot, even though I ended up getting a "hoity toity" all electric humidity and temp controlled King $uroMax20. The LG still holds about a dozen more eggs than the Max20, and I like that the hatch area is not as crowed for the chicks during lock-down. I installed a 3rd party fan kit which helped keep the temperature more uniform and also a digital hydrometer/thermometer with a probe that fits in one of the larger vent holes for a more accurate temperature reading . I usually put down the thin mesh elastic drawer liners on top of the wire mesh on lockdown so the hatch mess is easier to clean, and its easier on the chicks feet after hatching. I also use sponges to increase humidity the last 3 days on hatch and use tubing and a plastic syringe to pump lukewarm water on the sponges through the vent holes in the top so I don't have to open it.
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Pros: Consistent heat, consistent humidity, nice size
Cons: A bit fragile as it’s styrofoam-we haven’t had a problem but it’s the only con I can think of!
I’ve used this incubator four times with excellent results. I bought the optional egg turner for the last three hatches and feel it’s invaluable!! The only eggs that didn’t hatch were not fertilized. It’s a great, reasonably priced little guy!!
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Pros: steady temperature, reliable hatches if you can learn how to use it correctly
Cons: You have to solve some minor problems with the design yourself
Put in a room in your house with a steady temperature. Do not place eggs in the very center, as the temperature is lower in that area. Do not use the junky thermometer that comes with it, instead purchase a digital thermometer/hygrometer and place flat on top of the egg turning tray. Do not use the wire grate included, but purchase two plastic thin cutting sheets, and place side by side (they fit perfect) then put some rubber sheeting material on top of that. Do not use the built in water trays, but instead keep a thick damp sponge in the middle, on top of the egg turning tray. I also cover the two windows with small towels to keep the heat in.

A good incubator if you can solve some of the minor glitches (which I have written above). Have had great hatches.
Pros: Cheap, easy to find, simple to use, and easy to modify.
Cons: Has a reputation for pulling tricks when you least expect it, you do have to monitor it closely, does not hold heat well if the power goes out.
I have been really happy with my 2nd hand LG incubator. It has held tempature beautifully so far, and with a few simple modifications (hot gluing a lego to the thermostat adjustment for greater finesse) it becomes much easier to use. I am on day 5 of my 2nd incubation with this, (1st one failed due to me measuring temps at the wrong level and turning it up way too high) and 11/12 of the eggs have good veins. I will keep this review updated throughout the hatch.

So far, the highest this has spiked to was 103 and that was when something fell over the vents.
All the rest of the time, in both this and the last incubation, it has held at pretty much exactly 101.5!

Ambient tempature plays a large part in how successful you will be, if you keep outside temps stable internal temp will be much more stable. I also recommend buying at least 3 thermometers and not use the one that comes with it, or at the very least calibrate it carefully. Adding a fan will also help hatch rates.

A note of caution, though, some do not have good experiences with this bator, (they are known as "The incubator everybody loves to hate" for a reason) so do your homework before deciding to buy this bator, especially with expensive or shipped eggs.

*Update 3/19*

Just did day 14 candle, and 100% of fertile eggs that I set look wonderful. No quitters yet, and movement in 10/11 and I suspect if I had waited more I would have seen movement in that one also.

*Update 3/24*

8 chicks out of 11 eggs so far, 1 pip, and it is only day 19! One of the remaining eggs is LF so I'tl take a while longer. Bator is holding temp & humidity like a champ.... Very, very happy!

*Update 3/28*
Ended up with a 91% hatch rate, one of the chicks was malpositioned and never pipped. All the rest (10) are healthy and happy!
One of the eggs was infertile so I am not counting that in my hatch rate %.

I am going to be using this incubator much more, and as of now I give it top marks.

*Update 4/29/16*
On day 14 of my third batch..... LG is being fantastic, as usual. I can go away and be confident it will be within 1 degree of correct tempature. 10/11 fertile eggs have made it thus far.
Pros: Steady Temperature, Inexpensive, Lots of chicks
Cons: None
I have hatched hundreds of chicks with my LG 9200 Still Air Incubator. At first I had to learn how to use it. And I had to develop my tricks for even incubator temperature. So now I pretty much set it up, put the eggs in, and leave it. I don't even record daily incubator temperatures anymore because when I look in to check the incubator, everything is good. I dry hatch and only add water in a small cup at one corner of the incubator if the humidity gets below 25. At lockdown, I raise the humidity higher. I only hatch my eggs and my friends eggs. I always get lots of chicks. The most I hatched at one time was 45 chicks. I will continue to use my LG 9200 Still Air Incubator as long as I get these successful hatch rates.
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shelly c
i agree i have always had very successful hatch rates with this incubator i love it
Pros: Lots of eggs, cheap
Cons: Metal grate rolls eggs too easily, hard to clean, unstable tempature
My first one of these stopped heating so I had to get a new one. Otherwise, it's a simple investment for a simple hobbyist. I have never had excellent gatch rates. The temperate isn't very stable either.
Pros: inexpensive, easy to set up, nice viewing windows
Cons: styrofoam body
We are off to a fast start this year, and my DH insisted I get 2 of these. After chatting to a lot of hatchaholics, this bator fit my immediate needs. I have both chock full, one of various breed chicken eggs, the second with geese eggs. I am hand turning the geese eggs but intend to buy the rails pretty soon. There is a fluctuation in the temps, but i do have a drafty house. This is a pretty good setup for starting out hatching, but i am already looking ahead to make better choices, or build one on our own.
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Cons: Thermometer that comes with it is off.
I got 19 out of 22 healthy chicks.
Works great! Took little while to get the desired temp but once it was set it stayed at 99 to 100 degrees. I can unplug it and then plug it back in a few days later and the temp will go straight up to 99 to 100 and stay there. Wonderful product for Newbie!!!
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Pros: Inexpensive, simple to use.
Cons: Metal grate makes the eggs roll a bit.
I have read that many had problems with temperature control. I have followed some tips given to me from a breeder. I have filled the large outer well in the bottom with glass stones from the craft store. They hold heat well and allow the lg to heat up within a minute or two after turning my eggs. The temp has stayed rock steady the whole time. When setting it up I only barely turned the knob and then waited several minutes at at time until the desired temp was achieved. I also added a sponge beneath the vent hole that I use a dropper to add water too to aid in proper humidity. Also the room that it is in had no drafts or temp flux. With the addition of stones to the well I have had no problems with the temp control whatsoever. It's a great incubator!
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Pros: Cheap, easy to assemble and use, good starting incubator
Cons: does not retain heat or humidity well, has hot/cold spots
My first incubator in my youth was a Little Giant Still Air. It was cheap enough for me to purchase, and I had a lot of fun toying around with it. It was far from reliable, but I did get some chicks to hatch here and there. Thankfully, I was only working with barnyard mutt chicks. (Do Not purchase if you are trying to hatch quality shipped eggs!)

I noticed chicks only hatched in certain locations of the incubator. After testing, I saw the temperature varied from 89 - 104 degrees F, depending on the location. I purchased the auto turner, which helped a great deal as the incubator does take a very long time to get back to the proper temperature and humidity.

I lived in an older house with an unstable temperature. If that is your case, I suggest trying to wrap up the incubator to further insulate it.
Pros: Cheap
Cons: hot spots, cold spots, doesn't hold humidity well. Takes too long to recover temp if you lift the lid
Lucky mine was borrowed. I sure wouldn't buy one. The owner warned me it takes a lot of practice and alot of attention. Rotating the eggs around the bator so they get equal time in the hot and cold spots. Very colse watch of humidity, etc No still air for me!
Pros: very nice and inexpensive
Cons: None
I bought this bator with the egg turner and so far I have only had good hatches:) !
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Pros: None
Cons: everything
I mean like its a good bator but we have had bad hatches with it
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Pros: low price, compact
Cons: have to buy all accessories separate, doesn't come with a way to test humidity
I just bought this incubator from a local TSC, and have my first batch of duck eggs on day three. I won't really know how it is working until a few days from now when I candle, but so far it has been pretty straightforward.

After you get the hang of the temperature adjustment, it becomes easier to work with, and regardless of the reviews against the thermometer, I calibrated it to my home thermometer and it was almost dead-on.

I bought the auto egg turner, however I wish that it had come with a way to test the humidity. Until I can find a good wet-bulb, I have to guess at it.
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Pros: really nice and affordable
Cons: none that I know of
its a really good incubator, it can hold 41 chicken eggs with a turner and 50 without. the temperature is adjustable and it is small enough to fit on my desk.
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The incubator holds the temp great but I had to cut the top of an egg carton off to hold the eggs to turn them because the eggs roll around.
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