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  1. Huntmaster

    How to heat multiple stacked brooder boxes?

    1500W heat lamps?
  2. Huntmaster

    Duckling not growing

    @HollowOfWisps There is a difference from my understanding in nutritional values as one has more in it. Poultry Cell has more as it is a vitamin/blood building supplement has more ingredients for long term health. Poultry Nutri-drench has less vitamins/nutritional values but has other things...
  3. Huntmaster

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    No but that doesn't sound good at all.
  4. Huntmaster

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Ducks are known for slow long hatches patients is best.
  5. Huntmaster

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Still looks like chewing motions from video, still absorbing yolk.
  6. Huntmaster

    PLEASE TRY THIS FEED!! My 11 hens have laid over 100 eggs so far this year. Poll: what brand of feed do you get?

    A few Quail egg souffles, I just throw eggs in blender whole shells and all cook and feed them back to any laying birds. I always feed extra eggs back to my birds they love them, some eggs just get broken raw in pens for them to eat. Once cooked and bagged they can be stored with no waste and...
  7. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    Any improvement on eating?
  8. Huntmaster


    You're alright just let thread go. No need to apologize for things you were unaware of. And you had nothing, but good intentions just use it as a learning experience.
  9. Huntmaster


    Sorry but that egg is no good. And you might like to read this.
  10. Huntmaster

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    Grit is not calcium/oyster shell. Grit is rocks or granite to fill the gizzard to grind feed as they don't have teeth. All birds need grit to grind and digest feed. Calcium is usually a form of oystershells/eggshells and is needed to form eggshells. So, it is needed regularly for laying birds...
  11. Huntmaster

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    @Bantambird So sorry to hear that terrible news just like to say sorry for your families lose.
  12. Huntmaster

    Have you Incubated for others?

    I would at least get a deposit/down payment before setting eggs to help insure pick-up. So you aren't stuck with hatchlings you don't want or can't raise. Isn't always as easy to get rid of chicks as some think.
  13. Huntmaster

    Fermenting Feed

    👆 MILLING PROCESS Except for whole-wheat flour, which contains all three parts of the wheat kernel, most flours are made from the endosperm after removal of the bran and germ. This decreases the nutritive value of the flour, as a large proportion of the thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin...
  14. Huntmaster

    Pellets or Crumbles

    Most layer feed is usually on the low end of protein%, by adding all that scratch and bird seed you are drastically lowering the protein% and nutritional values of your feed.
  15. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    Hopefully it works it should. And welcome to BYC there are some very knowledgeable folks here that are more than willing to help so don't be afraid to ask. :thumbsup
  16. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    I dip their beaks in the water first and then as it is wet dip in feed to get a little on their beaks. This makes them taste it and they usually catch on quickly.
  17. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    About all you can do is dip their beaks in the water then feed a few times a day until they get it. At only 3 days old they don't eat much and will help if you sprinkle a little feed on ground in your brooder box for them to pick at and they should eat.
  18. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    Have you tried dipping their beaks in water then feed gently so they know what they are.
  19. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    Do they have some sort of heat source? What temp is your garage?
  20. Huntmaster

    baby quail deniying to eat

    So, the other is eating ok just having trouble with the one.
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