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  1. Stravager


    Aaah, tick patrol - explains a lot! Best of luck with them. :D
  2. Stravager


    Welcome to BYC! That is a lot of Guineas! :D
  3. Stravager

    Chicken newbie... sort of

    Welcome to BYC! Usually you can attempt to put the chick back under a broody hen in the dark when they're all sleeping but if she rejects it after that it's usually considered too dangerous to attempt again. After that you'd basically have to steal another chick from the other hen and raise...
  4. Stravager

    Always been a I am mothering hens!

    I believe in you! :D
  5. Stravager

    Always been a I am mothering hens!

    I've found when trying to establish hobbies it's best to actually schedule an alarm or something on your phone and dedicate 15 minutes to start with for whatever it is you're attempting to do, and to do that daily or every other day if you can. :D It's especially helpful if you try and tie your...
  6. Stravager

    Always been a I am mothering hens!

    Welcome to BYC! What good fortune - it sounds like you have a lovely flock. ^^ What kind of hobbies were you interested in?
  7. Stravager

    Newbie homeschool chook family

    Welcome to BYC! Best wishes for the flock and happy learning!
  8. Stravager

    Help needed! Duckling about to die!

    Keep him in the incubator and keep the humidity up. Not sure what else you can do.
  9. Stravager

    Hello Backyard Chicken Enthusiasts!

    Welcome to BYC!!!
  10. Stravager


    Welcome to BYC!!! Your chickens are so cute!!!! And best of luck with your gardens/homestead plans!
  11. Stravager

    Sick hen

    @Eggcessive this one is out of my depth now.
  12. Stravager


    If it's pox you could try using iodine on it. Mites I'm not sure you'd likely need some kind of insecticide....
  13. Stravager

    Borotto incubator

    @LydiaB @MrsWinterWheat had Borotto incubators, not sure if they'd be able to give you a hand...
  14. Stravager


    They could be fresh peck marks... @Eggcessive @casportpony any thoughts?
  15. Stravager

    Minor Chick Injury! Help!

    Ah gotcha. It doesn't look serious, so I'd stick with what I said previously and just make sure it's disinfected and healing well, that the other chicks aren't picking on it. Vetericyn is safe around eyes, iodine you'd want to be very careful where you dab.
  16. Stravager

    Mites???? Judging by the responses to a similar post I'd guess peck marks.
  17. Stravager

    Minor Chick Injury! Help!

    I would use an antiseptic spray like Vetericyn or diluted iodine for most general scrapes and ouches. But the picture isn't very clear where the injury is?
  18. Stravager

    New to Website

    Welcome to BYC! Sounds like you have a wonderful farm!
  19. Stravager

    New member

    Welcome to BYC! Happy to have you!
  20. Stravager


    It depends on the State, I think. has contacts for all the departments I think; they should be able to answer questions about poultry. has the rules about transporting...
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