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  1. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Sorry for my delayed response. My computer is in the repair shop and I don't like using the tiny keyboard on my phone. So, I haven't been online much. Also, sorry to hear about Eva having another episode. My Molly was a Keeshond. She was diagnosed with seizures that presented as her...
  2. Callender Girl


    Despite what you indicated, your intro was not a bit boring! This, as you might already have learned, is a GREAT place for folks who want to talk about chickens. We're happy to have you here and will look forward to any and all conversations about feathered friends. Welcome to our flock!
  3. Callender Girl

    New from New England! ☺️

    Adorable ducklings in all the photos but LOVE the one with flowers on the babies! If you need any help, just ask. Someone here likely has a useful answer. Best wishes with your homesteading plans and welcome to BYC!
  4. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    How is Eva now? One of my dogs had idiopathic seizures (in other words, the ISU vets could never figure out the cause). It's both scary and sad to watch -- and frustrating not be able to help. It's very sad about Josie, but she might not have made it regardless of anything you did or didn't...
  5. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    The Urbandale, Iowa episode won't air until next year. But, unless we're in a crowd shot, you won't see Carolyn and me. And, we won't be moving into mansions soon, either. We took two family "heirlooms." The appraiser looked at Grandma Kate's ring for a long time before pronouncing it "glass...
  6. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    My guests all departed yesterday, and today I will be meeting my sister at Living History Farms -- where we have tickets to participate in "Antiques Roadshow." I'm sure neither of us will have valuable treasures, but the experience should be fun.
  7. Callender Girl

    Chicken Playground

    Well done!
  8. Callender Girl

    Hello, New member from North FL

    You already know the value of this group, but you are about to find out how much more fun it is to be part of our "flock." Welcome to BYC!
  9. Callender Girl

    Troyer Farm Adventures and Breeding Projects

    Agreed, a majestic chick, indeed!
  10. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Sounds like a productive day, Jim! Congrats on the lettuce, Lisa; my lettuces were an abject failure. Most of my first planting of radishes is bolting, but the second planting is coming along. The remaining members of the "work crew" arrived yesterday, and I can't believe how much they...
  11. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Congrats on your planer project, Jim! Lisa, will you ever get to cut hay? The weather this spring has been chaotic. I would be happier with the veg garden if something wasn't making lacework out of the plant leaves. I doused everything with Neem oil and am hoping for the best. My lone snap...
  12. Callender Girl

    I need advice for my duck dilemma!

    When my girl's eyelids got torn, the vet gave me eye drops and an anti-inflammatory for her. BUT, I tend to panic whenever anything happens to any of my critters, so that may have been more than she really needed.
  13. Callender Girl

    Ducks & Goose on the same nest?!

    I wish I had helpful advice; I don't. My geese fiercely protect their own and each other's eggs, but duck eggs hold no interest for them at all. In any case, your geese are BEAUTIFUL!
  14. Callender Girl


    I like the way you think -- and the breeds you've chosen. Welcome to our flock; I think you'll like it here, and I know we will like having you as a member!
  15. Callender Girl

    Cluck Cluck Hello

    Sounds like a beautifully diverse flock! Hope you got the pasty butt handled quickly. Welcome to BYC!
  16. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Looks like I've been out of the loop for a while. But, as always, your critter adventures are great fun. The coop plan looks ambitious; and, I laughed out loud when I saw the photo with Winnie under Matilda's wing! I also enjoyed Eva's expression when she and Faith shared a chair!
  17. Callender Girl

    I need advice for my duck dilemma!

    Yes, spending the night together will be a problem. One of my drakes was endlessly mating with one runner hen -- to the point that he ripped her eyelids. She and the less-dominant drake are ALWAYS now separated from Sheldon; he sleeps with the other females, she and Layne sleep together in a...
  18. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    It's nice you haven't had to water the pear tree, but it would also be nice if you could get it in the ground. Lately, it seems like every rain here turns into a storm. Last night's "severe thunderstorm warning" poured down rain in sheets and took out the TV for a while. Good luck with the...
  19. Callender Girl

    Got Goose; now unsure- help!

    While my Buffs are sure they are higher in the pecking order than mere runner ducks, the smallest hen chicken can send them running!
  20. Callender Girl

    Hi, i need advice on how to properly take care of a duckling

    You've already gotten some good advice about caring for Pepper. Since animal control has not answered, how about calling the DNR? I recently found injured baby rabbits and while the DNR couldn't directly help, someone there put me in touch with a wildlife rehabilitator who could. In the...
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